Tuesday, May 1, 2012

happy May!

Seems almost unbelievable that today is already May 1, 2012!! I decided it was time for a new face on the ole blog again! How do you like it? :) I tried to pick colors that were somewhat out of the box for me! (to put it plainly, not some shade of GREEN again!)

A few simple things that made me happy lately.....

a big bowl of sopa

my hubby coming home from work

getting out my brushes and painting two acrylic paintings (thanks for the Christmas $ MamaLisa! :)

sleeping in!

the perfect banana - not too ripe and not too green!
(that would be #5 for me)

canvas shopping totes

swimming with Mel

farm-fresh eggs

farm-fresh Jersey milk from Brent Yoder

the amazing Singspiration last Sunday night!

new green striped sock monkey from Target that sings (for our "someday" baby!)

the resurrection of our faithful vintage dryer (keeping fingers crossed!)

finding a brownie recipe that I had been SEARCHING for

lots of cute banana pics (sorry! couldn't help myself! :)
pillow time 4.30.12 was 11:03pm. (This time recording doesn't seem to be doing much good!!)


  1. The colors are amazing and definitly out of the box! LOL Who in the world it Brent Yoder?! And I sure wish I would of thought to listen the the singspiration since we were just at home anyways! Next time!! And I'm not sure if you should be writing about swimming on your blog, because I'm quit sure that it disturbs your northern readers! :)

    1. sorry bout the swimmin' reference! :) I'll refrain in the future lol! Y'all just need to come down south for a long vaca and we'll get a beach house!! (dream on!) Brent is a local guy (atmore mennonite) that has a "mini-dairy" and it selling milk the old-fashioned way in glass bottles that you return to the store when you buy more!

  2. It also disturbs your West Texas readers too:) (at least the ones with no pool)

    1. my bad! :) You could do like I did one year and buy a snap-set pool to set up in the back yard to lay out by and at least dip my feet to cool off! lol

  3. Oh my sis! these colors are so not you but I love them! When I first saw them I thought I was on the wrong blog!

    1. tryin not to be stuck in my usual rut! :)

  4. Such a cheery color! I really like it!

  5. These are colors I love! :)

    1. thank you...I do too now that I tried them out! :)

  6. Well, i'm not sure what to say:) Very cheery i guess!! But it is fun to do somthing that is totally not you somtimes:) BY THE WAY DONT WRITE YOUR PILLOW TIME IN SUCH TINY LETTERS!!!! LOL!!!!

    1. i'm embarrassed how late I get to bed, Tara! so I write them real tiny so people won't notice; I promised I'd record them for a week so have to keep my word! :(

  7. Loved this post and comments. :) you get to bed earlier than me so don't feel bad. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to reform, but it's harder than you think when you are a die-hard night owl!! And the sad thing is, Danl used to like to go to bed early, but I've rubbed off on him too much and now it's sometimes me waiting on him! help!
