Saturday, May 26, 2012

Last Day of School Picnic :)

Today was one of my favorite days of the year! I love everything the day, homemade ice cream, volleyball, and softball! I still can hardly believe that the kids I taught in 5th grade are out of school now! They mentioned our pet garter snake and it's funeral in their memories....took me back to the days of the classroom; I really miss those days sometimes! Maybe someday I'll teach again. This year's program commemorated the centennial of the sinking of the Titanic. Twas sad; I even got misty-eyed at one point. Six different flavors of ice cream cheered me right up though! :) I tried chocolate, mint chocolate chip, orange pineapple, birthday cake, German sweet chocolate, and vanilla with caramel pecan sauce. I stayed until 5:30 playing ball, but I left feeling sunburned and tired, but happy! Daniel's dad is down for a couple days, so we went to Uncle Kevin's for supper. He cooked us steaks, grilled veggies, and garden salads. That definitely hit the spot! Now I think I will retrieve the dasher from the ice cream maker from the freezer and grab me a spoon to scrape it clean before hitting the hay! G'nite y'all.

1 comment:

  1. The last day of school has always been my high light of the year to!!!! I think being able to play softball once again was the hight light of it after my school days were over:)
