Sunday, February 7, 2021

Remembering Your WOTY ~ Giveaway!

 Now that you have chosen your WOTY and it's forefront in your mind and your year is just proceeding along swimmingly accordingly, (cough, cough)... OR, maybe you are like me and the year is speeding by and you know you need to be reminded constantly of WHAT your WOTY is and WHY you chose it!?

There are so many good ways to remember your word of the year! I like to scour the web for quotes that speak to me pertaining to my word and then use them for my lockscreen and homescreen backgrounds on my phone. Currently I'm using these two respectively.

And this one sparks joy every time I glance at my Apple Watch.

I also am loving having my lightbox which sits above my pantry in the kitchen proclaim:


Last year I ordered myself a whimsical little copper plant tag from my creative friend, Priscilla Hibner. I loved it so much I ordered them for stocking stuffers for my mom and sisters this past Christmas! If you want to order one, contact Pris at (270) 590-4895. You won't regret it.

The possibilities are endless for ways to keep your WOTY front and center! Others ideas I've heard of are getting custom stickers cut, (you can sticker up your windows, mirrors, phone cover, insulated cup, etc.) getting a t-shirt or hoodie printed, or finding a worded mug.

This year, I've decided to frame quiet 2021 and hang it in my "new to me" home office that I've moved from my dressing room to a corner of our living room. I wanted something super classy, yet simple and minimalistic, so I chose the printable below from this Etsy shop! 

Because I'm so excited about this wall art for my WOTY, I will buy an extra one to give away when I order mine! If you want to enter this drawing, you have to tell me your WOTY in the comments below! If you haven't chosen one, it's not too late! Since I love long comments, I'd also be delighted if you tell me why you chose your word and what you hope it does for you. 

OK, comment away! 
I will do the drawing on Wednesday, so you have until 12:00 midnight on Tuesday before the coach turns back into a pumpkin. 


  1. Lighthearted! Wow seems like I could be a lot more this way! When the government tells you what you can and can’t do. When the flour is dumped on the floor. When there’s playdoh and kinetic sand in the rug. When plans don’t work out.... I’m thinking I jinxed myself by choosing this word tho, because it’s been tough!

    1. 💖 I love your word. I’m sorry it’s been tough though! 😜 hang in there with lightheartedness! 👊🏞

  2. Gratitude. I'm working on my list of 1000 gifts... and finding that it is good for the soul to look for the bright spots in each day. Today I was so grateful to have my whole family in church...Elena, as usual, Colin visiting from Uvalde, Shannon home on break from Window Rock, and Grant slipping in late and sitting in the back, but there!

    1. So this list of 1,000 gifts... is this inspired by a book? ðŸĪ” Gratitude is such an all-compassing word. That’s awesome your whole fam was in church! 😍

  3. ‘Listen’
    I want to hear nature more clearly, listen to people, hear God -
    ‘Thou canst not move across the grass/But my swift eyes shall see Thee pass/Nor speak however silently/But my hushed voice shall answer Thee.’ From Renascence, by Edna St Vincent Millay
    And of course I got a WOTY plant tag for Christmas, & it’s just gorgeous. It sparks joy every day. Thanks again!
    Loved the post <3

    1. Lovely poem for your lovely word, listen. And I’m glad you love your plant tag!ðŸŠī 🏷 ðŸĪĐ

  4. Well, you know mine and my reason behind it, so I won’t type a long epistle. But I’ll remind you again that it’s “listen”. 😉😍

    1. I loved reading your inspo on listen! You know it’s a good WOTY when two of your friends choose it! 😁

  5. Pause... ❤️ Before I speak or get ticked or whatever else is happening... and while I’m pausing I need to look for the good in the situation and pray for patience & wisdom!

    1. Practice the Pause. Love this. I need it too! 💃🏞 🛑

  6. Resignation is mine. Sometimes I wonder if it should be serenity. Resign means “to accept that unpleasant things cannot always be avoided”. I really want, though, to have “joyful resignation.” Roxie

    1. Joyful resignation. That’s beautiful. It does make me think of the Serenity Prayer. 🙏🏞

  7. Mine is rest.
    Rest.. my mind my body my soul. Rest and relax and enjoy. Rest and let God take over. Rest and regain life!
    Derived from the verse in Isaiah.. in returning and rest shall he be saved. In quietness and in confidence shall he be saved..
    don’t want to be part of the “ye would not in the verse!”

    1. Rest... 🛌 body and soul! I love that you have a “verse of the year” to go with it! I forgot to say that I have been finding and writing a Bible verse with the word “quiet” in my planner each week!

  8. Happy! I don't have anything with my WOTY yet and I need reminders! When my job takes up so much of my time, the kitchen is dirty AGAIN, I'm tired of cooking, and irritable from lack of sleep. It's definitely something I need to work on.
    Loved your thoughts! ♡

    1. If you’re Happy and you know it... clap 👏🏞 your hands! ðŸŽķ 😁 Your word is a brave word too!

  9. Mindfulness..which includes all the words from above. To be present in the happy..resigned..pause&listen.. grateful and light-hearted... because there are enough troubles to keep ones mind busy without looking for to start a more refined and defined life of mindfulness.. thanks Sharon for making us think about WOTY

    1. Mindfulness does include it all, doesn’t it?! One of my therapy sessions was on mindfulness and it was so good for me! 🧘🏞‍♀️

  10. A phrase from Heb. 13 rolled around in my mind the last few months of 2020. ‘sacrifice of praise’ Is praise a sacrifice? It’s been an inspiration to think about. I’m finding my word could be Trust, but I have chosen Praise.
    (I’ll send you the long version if/when it gets written😀)
    Enjoyed your post!

    1. Oh I cannot wait to read the long version! So please write it! ðŸĪĐ

  11. PURPOSE. I'm no good with new year's resolutions but I do want to live my life with PURPOSE this year. I want to actually DO the projects I've been planning to do "sometime". I want to keep relationships important and be purposeful in pursuing them. I want a feeling of fulfillment and contentment at the end of my day. Purposeful living!

    1. The power of purpose! I have a feeling 2021 is going to be a very good year for you! 🗓

  12. Finally found my word! Compose. Definition I'm using: ordering or arranging parts, especially in an artistic way. I want to order and arrange the parts of my life that I can into a beautiful framework that brings peace and joy.

    1. I’m so happy for you! Compose is perfect! It definitely captures the essence of what you are striving for! 👌🏞 🖞

  13. Grace.. such a beautiful word with multiple meanings.
    ...simple elegance...poise...finesse...charm...naturalness...poetry in motion...courteous...considerate...respectful...thoughtful...

    Free and unmerited mercy and favour of God in sending His only Son Jesus for me... for you...

    Yes Grace... so many areas of my life need more grace..

    Love all your inspirations!!

    1. Truly what a beautiful word. I love all your descriptions of it! 💞

  14. From your Canadian Bible App friend.. Bonita

  15. Grace.. such a beautiful word with multiple meanings.
    ...simple elegance...poise...finesse...charm...naturalness...poetry in motion...courteous...considerate...respectful...thoughtful...

    Free and unmerited mercy and favour of God in sending His only Son Jesus for me... for you...

    Yes Grace... so many areas of my life need more grace..

    Love all your inspirations!!

  16. Blameless. And you know why!
    But for anyone else to not make myself feel guilty over missed exercise, the cupcake I ate, etc. But to make decisions and embrace why I made them and not best myself up. Also don't put blame on others for things they are obviously doing their best in

    1. Be Blameless! Reminds me of Melania Trump’s “Be Best” platform. 😉👊🏞

  17. Patience... my inspiration comes from my papa Wenger.. he was such a patient person and no one remembers him getting upset and angry(unlike me!!) and I found out after he passed that he wasn’t naturally a patient person but with God in his life he was able to overcome those feeling! So with papa as my inspiration, I’m striving to have more patience! Also I thought of laughter, cuz with everything in the world so crazy, everyone can use more fun and laughs 😂

    1. I need this word too Gwen ðŸ˜Đ

    2. Gwen, I love it that you chose a word honoring your Papa Wenger! A beautiful tribute. And looking on, I think you have tons of patience and are such a calm mom! 😌

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Be Still....I NEED to practice this one lol 😆 it's so easy to be anxious and impatient....I need to be more still and listen 💘💘

    1. Peace, be still. So fitting for these times we love in! Makes me think of Elijah and how God wasn’t in the earthquake or the fire...but was in the stillness afterwards.

  20. Give... give of myself and time, I want to see more what I can do for others, go the second mile, thinking of others before myself. Give and not expect anything in return. Love reading your blogs!☺️

    1. A small word but one that holds so much! It’s so hard to give everything and expect nothing. And I’m glad you enjoy reading my posts! ðŸĨ°

  21. Simple/simplicity ... I want to be happy with the small things in life ... content ... joyful ... in. All. Things.

    1. Hey who are you? 😉ðŸĪ” I cannot decipher your initials! And living the simple life is such a worthy aspiration. 👊🏞

  22. Posting this for a friend because my blog is giving some fits, and I can’t figure out why! 😞

    RENEW. Cause I want to change. And be a better person and who God wants me to be!💗
    Monica Coblentz

  23. Meaningful.... what a great year to try and especially do meaningful little acts for my hubs girlies and friends... I way too often I just wanna do what I have too.... I’d like to learn how to think more of going the second mile.....
    Erica Baerg

  24. I can’t get the blog to post my reply... so here it is!
    Cherish... that’s the best way I’ve come up with to sum up what I’m thinking into one word. I want to be present for all the little moments and to truly appreciate them. Dandelions sunny in the grass, the way my baby’s eyes light up when he sees my face over the crib rail, a big strong Daddy playing patty-cake, fresh laundry, etc. etc. Life can change drastically in an instant and we may be left with only memories. I want lots of lovely ones!
    Carol Holdeman

  25. Hey I tried making a reply on the blog and couldn't fit some reason! My word is 'home'. I love physical home, but more than that, home is something you carry with you wherever you go. 💚
    Eva Toews

  26. Strength is what I chose.. Seems with some of life's situations, I need Strength.. The Lord will stand with you and give you strength. 2 Timothy 4:17

  27. Mine is ORDER.... it feels like my home (and therefore my life) is so chaotic sometime! And if I was just more orderly in a lot of different ways it would help that situation!
    Hmmm does that even make sense??!

  28. Contented.
    I want to be content:
    with what I'm doing even if it's folding laundry or doing dishes or cleaning up a messy house,
    with decisions that I or someone else has made,
    or if my life feels very unorganized and not going how I "imagined" I still want to be able to be happy and content...

  29. My WOTY is Focus.
    Focus only on the good around me and not so much on what is going wrong in our country.
    Focus on reading my Bible and having a prayer first thing in the morning this year.
    Focus on my goals for the year..
    finish BOM quilt, learn Russian, build house, lose some more pounds

  30. My woty is acceptance. Accepting God's will in my life. Accepting my workload and responsibilities. Accepting the dirt and germs and sickness that comes with this beautiful land called Africa. Accepting the people in my life just the way they are. And last but not least accepting my own self and my flaws and limitations and not getting carried away with trying to be something I'm not. "In acceptance there is peace" I have been very inspired with your blog and all the comments and other's woty! But of course I don't expect you to put my name in the drawing since I'm so far away in Burkina Faso!

  31. Fortitude is my word. To have Courage to do each thing that faces me! To remember every time deny myself and do what I know to do it brings me Joy.

  32. I love the WOTY idea! I couldn't decide what mine should be... so I put the two together that have been on my mind lately. Surrender and Breathe. 💖

  33. Hey, I decided to go this route tried today to comment but didn’t seem to work.... I’m coming in kinda late .... this WOTY is a new thing for me but I’m going to try it☺️.... mine is “acceptance” there are so many challenges that come along & just to accept & be happy.
    Ranae Jantz

  34. BREATHE.... my children tell me breathe Mom! when I overreact dramatically to situations ! When you feel stressed...just breathe! I want to slow down and BREATHE.....
    Polly Hiebert

  35. Thank you ALL, for joining me in choosing a WOTY and sharing it here! I feel blessed and wish you all much courage for 2021! Now to post the winner!
