Saturday, October 26, 2013

happiness project progress!

   School Meeting is now history; good history though! T'was definitely worth it to go! Loved seeing old friends, and making new ones, staying with my kindred spirit, Katelyn, gleaning ideas from the pros, and eating scrummy, southern food! {I want to try to replicate the caramel candy corn ice cream dessert!} Yet overall, I personally feel like the lectures could be de-lengthened, and the buzz sessions could be bountiful-lied...but that's just my feeble opinion!
   Now, back to blogging about this happiness project of mine...I am still "doing" it! But, I haven't given it quite the zeal I had anticipated that I would! Bottom line, happiness comes from lots, and I mean LOTS, of good old-fashioned self denial! I like to think that sitting down, putting my feet up, while reading or browsing will make me the happiest, but no! I am truly happier when I don't give in to what I feel like doing and rather whisk around, do up the dishes, stuff some clutter, and THEN plop on my tush! Also, this happiness project isn't about joy, which I consider to be a stable fruit of having a relationship with my Maker, having the best hubby, having food, clothing, shelter etc, etc! This happiness project is directly related to what I am terming as "surface happiness," or the mood I'm in because of my own day-to-day actions. That said, I have found that it is surprisingly easy to make myself happy! An on the flip side, I've found that it's surprisingly easy to make myself sad, grumpy, or grouchy! Ouch! I'm going to start with sharing my own personal 12 commandments that I created. A few are the same as Gretchen's, but they are mostly mine. {Warning! If you haven't read Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project, this post may not make much sense.}

~12 Commandments~
1. Stop while it's fun.
2. Be the better person.
3. De-escalate the situation.
4. Listen.
5. Be observant.
6. Don't whine.
7. Deny self.
8. Clean up, pick up, put away.
9. Identify the problem.
10. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
11. Say yes to saying no.
12. Be Sharon! :)
Next I'll share the three secrets of adulthood I've discovered!
~Secrets of Adulthood~
No matter how messy the kitchen is, it is possible to get it cleaned up!
If your house is clean and pretty, it won't look shabby.
Candy bars don't taste as good as you think they should.
Here's my true rules...
~True Rules~
When eating out, always order water unless they serve amazing lemonade!
Leather is better.
I'm always busy.
There's so much to learn!
OK, now for July's report which was my first month. I titled this month "Form Healthy Habits." I chose this quote for my inspiration. "Habits are safer than rules; you don't have to watch them. And you don't have to keep them either. They keep you." - Frank Crane
My resolutions were as follows:
God first
Move it!{exercise}
Make the bed
Scan the news
G'morning Kitchen - G'nite House
Sleep 8
Drink 6
No ruffled feathers
Tackle a nagging task.
Whew!! On my score sheet, I only ever did them all one day. I think I had pretty high hopes for myself! I was super happy and felt like I had it all together though on the days when I got right around and had mostly stars instead of blanks! I'm still trying to keep these things as good habits, but I sure haven't been blogging every day. And, I don't think Daniel would appreciate it if I tried to make the bed while he is still in it some mornings! Lol, "Honey, don't wriggle too much when you get out of bed, I have it all smooth and made up already!"
This is getting quite verbose....I shall wrap it up for now, get some zzzz's, and report on August, September, and October tomorrow!!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

finally fall

Finally made a fall bulletin using this quote. I really like how it turned out. I colored the "a"s  orange and the heart red, then put up the ears of corn from Brent and colorful leaves around it. Today was a great day at school! We had our second "Sing-along." We all love having Ms. Roxie teach music!
Very True. #wisdom #truth

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

!!SPARKY!! {or not..}

SPARKY!!!! SPARKy!! SPARky! SPArky. SParky.. Sparky... sparky.... s p a r k y . . . . zzzzzz

That's a word demonstration of how I feel! It seems as if my saturated head is spinning to the point of flinging brain! We teachers of WHCS spent yesterday and today down at PCA in Pensacola soaking up ideas and absorbing techniques while observing the sparky, yet completely structured faculty. We had to arise in the wee morning hours to arrive on time, so by now I'm feeling devastatingly droopy! But I must bustle about and finish my preparations for tomorrow's lessons {no more winging it, Sharon!!!}, do up the supper dishes, cut out my Williamsburg party dress, pay a bill, pack up the chevron and polka dot painted pumpkins I made at Anne's on Saturday, advertise the yard/bake sale on Craigslist, and grade 18 tests before I be-bop to bed! Ouch! That list I just typed looks way too long! And the caffeine from my coconut mocha latte from The Drowsy Poet wore off long ago! Hasta la vista!

P.S. Those caramel snickerdoodles were the bomb!

This is the quote of the week for my class.
"I installed a skylight in my apartment and the people who live above me are furious!"
- Steven Wright

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

hankering to hammer

I've been hankering to hammer away at these keys again! Like usual, it's been too long.
First I'm gonna whine a little to get it outa my system!!
I'm exhausted and homesick.
Crazy how you can just be so lonely to putter around in your own home.
The weekend is coming though!
And I want to make the above pictured carameliciousness.
But, at even though I long for an extra Saturday every weekend, {or a 4 long days school week?!}
It hit me again today as I was walking down the hall with one of my students to get some salve for his elbow that he had carpet burned in an indoor tug-of-war gone wrong.
I love to teach, to learn along with the kids, to be a part of something bigger.
WHCS holds so many amazing memories for me....
Starting out, a scared lil 6 year old with spindly braids...
Being injected with inspiration from the one who still inspires me today... {Thanks, Mrs. Peaster!!}
Working as an aide after graduating...being on the other side was exhilarating!
My first classroom....
Quivers of doubt...
New skills...
Back again!
New room, new kids, new co-teachers,
I am blessed.
{This totally turned out to be an example of the quote below! lol}
words words words