Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a painted day {or two!}

Yesterday Rhonda, Diane, and myself were employed by Kaufmann Construction to do some interior painting! We started tackling the 4 rooms that we need to finish today. It was fun, and we three made an efficient lil crew! Diane "womaned" the roller, while Rhonda and I cut in with our beloved "Purdy" brushes. Now I need to get my lunch packed, and some breakfast downed since it won't be long until we need to be on our way today! Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Where are you working? Painting is not my thing at all. HATE IT...!

    1. At a house in Huxford. They are trying to fix it up to sell. A pretty place out in the country, but the house is kinda old; from the paneling era! ;)

  2. Did you get your painting job finished?

    1. Yes, we did! :) Got it all done in 2 days! (hopefully Wade was suitably impressed and will hire us again! lol! we joked that we could go into business as the 3 Muskateers Painting!)
