Thursday, September 19, 2013

I.Q. ????

I've been pondering on I.Q. Can you increase your I.Q.???  Or are you born with a certain amount of intelligence and that's that? I'd like some thoughts and opinions on this matter! The research I've done so far has been somewhat ambiguous. Meanwhile, I'll be over at while I'm waiting for your feedback!

Monday, September 16, 2013

quotes and more quotes

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
-Edison, Thomas A.
Those of you who receive the daily Sunday School Readings via email, likely read this quote this morning! I loved it. The quote I chose for our classroom quote of the week is the following one. It's pretty good! Happy Monday, y'all!
"It's amazing how long it takes to complete something you're not working on."
- R.D. Clyde

Saturday, September 14, 2013

go green!

Going green never tasted so good!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

pie rush wednesday!

Tried a new schedule at school today and liked it! {Now if I can only stick to it! Class discussion is just too much fun!}
Daniel broke another toe last night! His smallest digit this time. He says, "Only 8 more to go!" Poor man.
Miss Smith and Loralee went with me to get my shots today.
Sara picked up Loralee; then Miss Smith and I took in "Pie Rush Wednesday" at Village Inn.
A free slice of raspberry brownie delight, or whatever it was called, hit the spot! Along with several cups of hot coffee...since the restaurant was kinda chilly.
I grilled hamburgers for supper and murdered 3 slimy green frogs with a can of my favorite friend, Repel. I do not understand how in the world Pharaoh could have hardened his heart again after the plague of the frogs.
It's 9:20 p.m.  Past our bedtime!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

the drowsy poet

I swoon. Try a coconut 'poet'chino with a double shot of espresso!
This gem of a caffeine fuel station is tucked almost under the big overpass on Bayou Blvd.
Put "Experience the Drowsy Poet Coffee Shop" on your Bucket List ASAP.
Then go, and cross it off!
Then go back again. Like I did today. You won't regret it!
Happy Belated Labor Day!
Our weekend was good.
The food was good, the ice skating was good, family time was good.
School is going good.
Danl is good {except for his big toe that he injured awhile back while textin' and walkin', but it'll hopefully be good again after the doc visit tom.}
The dogs are good {and clean!} from their stay at the doggie hotel.
In other words,