Monday, May 7, 2012


Word of the Day
Monday May 7, 2012

I really liked today's word; it so fittingly describes our sultry, humid weather in the South!

sudorific \soo-duh-RIF-ik\ , adjective:
1. Causing sweat.
2. Sudoriparous.
1. A sudorific agent.
Having thrown him into a cold sweat by his spiritual sudorific, he attacks him with his material remedies, which are often quite as unpalatable.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Medical Essays, 1842-1882
Wracked by such sudorific thoughts, he tossed noisily about, maddened, aching.
-- Angela Huth, South of the Lights
Every sudorific hitherto employed had failed to produce this result upon a skin which horrible diseases had left impervious.
-- Honoré de Balzac, Cousin Pons
Sudorific comes from the Latin word sūdor meaning "sweat." The word "sweat" is unrelated and comes from the Old English, swote.


  1. Are you bored or what???????????? Who likes to look up words in the dictionary:) LOL!!

    1. No, I'm NOT bored! Don't know that I ever have been! lol! I just love to learn, so I get a word every day on my igoogle homepage! ;) I don't go scouring the dictionary!
