Wednesday, May 2, 2012

happy book owl

Love this quote; how true it is! Plus, it's just nicer being a "book-owl" 'stead of a "book-worm," don't you think? :) I don't have the time or energy to write a big post tonight because I'm too deeply boroughed into my book! I'm reading The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok. It's the harrowing memoir of two girls growing up with a schizophrenic mom. Today was pretty productive day for a change. Managed to plant most of all of my Garden Party plants, then vacummed and mopped the house. Also had to package the candle sticks that finally sold on eBay! Don't be like me!!! I sold them for $15 free shipping. Sounds great, eh? Not so! It's costing me $11.36 to ship them, plus it's $.50 to list and who knows what my eBay fee is! I just hope I don't end up in the hole over the deal! It's still raining here; a slow, steady drizzle which is perfect reading weather. (itching to get back to my book!) I really should be doing the April billing for FL&L though instead of sittin' here in my red La-Z-Girl.

ammendment: 5-3-12  Forgive me for being so scatterbrained and forgetting to record my last and final pillow times! Monday night was 10:38 pm if I remember right, and Tuesday's pillow time was the worst of all! 11:48 pm :(   This font size is for you, Tara!  Whew! Glad this recording business is over! It worked about like my last diet! I gained weight.


  1. Love the owl sign! Also the pic of the girl in boots with the basket of fresh farm eggs!!! :)

    1. looks more like you than me, doesn't it? :)

  2. Thanks Sharon for testing my eyesight, It's always nice to know I still don't need glasses!! LOL!!!!!
