Monday, May 14, 2012


What to write, what to write?! Unfortunately, I feel a bit of a blogger's block tonight... I don't like it when my mind isn't brimming with things to blog about; it makes me feel dull and tired. Which could result from the fact that I AM tired!!! I just finished whipping up two desserts, a key lime and a 3 Musketeer's one, for Sewing Day at church tomorrow since it's my turn to help cook. I "intended" to get them made earlier in the day, but "stuff" happened. Although we were late getting in last night from spending a delightful Mother's Day evening with Mom and Bill, we painfully managed to start the day bright and early! Danl left around 6, and I so wanted to go back to bed! But, I DIDN'T because I knew that Danl wanted to go back to bed as much as I did, and COULDN'T! (does that make me a good wife?!) I downed some coffee and pie, (please don't tell anyone how much sugar I consume on a daily basis!) and got some laundry going before heading out for a brisk walk on Garrett Road. Then I told Rhonda we should order some fabric online since today was the last day of a big sale on one of my favorite sites! We browsed far too long while making our selections, and the day began to rapidly slip away. After guiltily gobbling a piece of pizza, I zoomed to Atmore to get the groceries I needed to make my BLT pasta salad and desserts for tom. Once in Atmore, Dirt Cheap lured me in to quickly dig for some treasures. I did find a few, minus the "quickly!" Then Danl informed me that if I could PLEASE go down to Pensacola and pick up the new tiller from Sears he would be so happy with me! So that's what I did next! (trying to be a good wife!) I knew the mammoth tiller would never fit in my GP, so with much trepidation, I borrowed Dad's old white Ford. (It likes to wander out of its lane whether or not you tell it to "stay!") The trip was thankfully uneventful and I got back home to a bleak kitchen. I slapped a salad together for Danl and called it good! (does that make me an awful wife?) Then I started cooking. I went to bed a little while ago, but got back up once Danl was asleep to finish the chocolate dessert. I'd much rather stay up late and get it done, than have to get up extra early in the morning! (I know I am a terrible wife!) Maybe tomorrow I can be organized and sane, and leave my helter-skelterness at home! It doesn't hurt to have hope, right?


  1. It is morning and I suddenly very tired reading about your day yesterday. Now I think I need to go back to bed...LOL
    Hope you have a fun day cooking at sewing. How I remember those days. One time I did a 2 year stretch, I volunteered for the second year. It was much easier going to sewing always knowing what my job was.
    What is the menu for today ? Have fun but no thanks...!

    1. The menu was pizza, salads, garlic bread, and 13x9 desserts. I love how we are doing the meals now! It is planned out for the whole year which ladies are supposed to cook each month. If it's not your turn, you bring NO food! Valerie was in charge today and me, Debbie, Lynette L., Sara, and Judy helped. Had some pretty exotic pizzas and salads! The Greek/veggie pizza and spinach bean salad were my favs! :)

  2. @ I suddenly "feel" very tired...guess it is too early to type right as my brain is still asleep.

  3. For not having anything to write, you sure can come up with an interesting post! :) I will be enjoying that key lime dessert at lunch today!!! ;)

    1. I couldn't think what to write and just started with that! lol! Once I get started, I'm usually over the hurdle. :)

  4. Sharon, you are a VERY good wife!!!!! Don't every run yourself down!! Just be you:) We love you that way!!! :)
