Friday, April 6, 2012

happy easter!

"Ten thousand angels, all hovered 'round....
they could have come, and taken Him down....
Removed the nails with loving care,
but it wasn't the nails....that held Him there."

This chorus of my favorite Easter song has been running through my mind ever since the youth's Easter program last Sunday night. I love it. It made me cry to think of what Jesus did for me; for everyone. I wish the significance of Easter was this real to me each day. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Easter!! :) With lots of good food! I know we certainly will! As soon as we can get the dogs booked into their posh, puppy hotel rooms, and get the tent, kayaks, sleeping bags, foam, air mattress, blankets, pillows, more blankets, fan, tent light, lantern, clothes, fishing gear, cookies, cupcakes, granola, fresh-squeezed lemonade, HOMEMADE STRAWBERRY JAM, (it did turn out! Yay!) and ourselves loaded up, we will be on our way to Blue Pond to spend a relaxing weekend with the Rabon family! So looking forward to some fishing, lounging, reading, kayaking, and quality time away from the daily stresses of life on the go...we won't have cell service or internet, so goodbye blogging 'til Monday!


  1. Have fun camping! Beautiful weather for it! And I had asked on your other postpost if the jam turned out; I see that it did! :)

    1. My phone is a butt and did a typo there, sorry! Happy Easter!

    2. Happy Easter to you too, Moni! :) Hope you had a great day!

    3. Thanks, it was relaxing! :)
