Tuesday, February 28, 2012

shout out to all readers of this blog!

I have become aware that not everyone I've invited to read this blog has been able to! I want to get whatever bugs worked out as soon as possible, so please help me out! If you have been reading my blog without any issues, please say so with a comment. If you are having trouble, tell me what it is. Thanks so much! You don't have to ever comment again if you don't want to, but please leave a comment (just a smiley face will do!) and put your name with it, so I know that things are OK for you! :)


  1. hey I can finally see the pictures now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. np with me!:)

  3. hey i can get it on one of our laptops but when i tried on the other one it said i needed to get another invite. So would you please send me one???:) It's kinda strange.

  4. I reset my password and finally got back on!!!

  5. yes, Tif, I will! to your same email address?

  6. I can read it no problems:) That is IF i have internet:) LOL!!!!!

  7. yeah same one. thanks!
