Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a tad turquoise

My thoughts are running along the deeper side of life today. I'm not feeling navy blue; just a tad turquoise...and I thought I'd post this abstract poem I wrote back in February. Inspired by the book A Garden to Keep by Jamie Langston Turner, I wrote it from the bottom up, starting with the ending line and finishing with the beginning. A rather interesting way to compose a poem, but fun nevertheless!

Shadows and Spaces

Learn to do well, relieve the oppressed.
Here's my heart, here's my hand.
This day of rest, this hour of calm
I turn my face to the sun.
The written word, the captured thought
Am I missing out on living?
My thoughts twist and writhe about...
To be truly, deeply aware of who I am.
I will sing again in the rain.
All things work together for good.
How can I see the plan?
The music of life lulls me to sleep...
Somthing within longs to grow.
A seed must be nutured.
So much to sample, to learn!
That what I would do, I do not.
How can I both love and abhore myself?!
Can life be explained?
The lines, the shadows, the spaces....
The unabashed romp of a rabbit,
The pure white of a petunia...
Beauty in the colors on display.
Pain so raw it drips.
How like life sometimes
A lemon is both sour and sweetness.
The whole picture; its depth.
To experience more!
This gives me strength to
"Be still, and know
That I am God."

written by - sharon faircloth
february 2012


  1. Good poem girl, keep it up:)

    1. thanks! I know it's bizarre and I don't expect everyone to understand or appreciate such...but that's how feelings are too! :)
