Monday, July 15, 2013

Marco's and the Ninja Turtle!

 Here I am fixing to type about FOOD again! But our worlds really do revolve around food if you think about it. We have jobs to earn money to be able to buy food to stay alive! Without food, we would all wither away and life would cease. Anyway, Aunt Sue was so kind as to let us take her Mazda CX-7 {I think that's what she has!} down to Goodwill to pick up the large green La-Z-Boy that was sitting waiting patiently to be permanently adopted into the Daniel Faircloth family. This chair definitely has some character! When I pulled up around back and told the guy that I was there to pick up the green La-Z-Boy, he said, "Oh, that ninja turtle green one?!" "Yes, sir! That would be the one!" I think it was originally a somewhat dark hunterish green, but over time, the areas that have been sat upon the most have evolved into a glowing green patina! Chair on board, it was time for lunch! Neither of us had tried Marco's which was right handy on 9 Mile Road beside Tokyo. They offered buffet for $5.99 and we took them up on it! It reminded me the most of Mellow Mushroom pizza! Chewy, crispy crust with fresh toppings such as feta and tomatoes! I'll post the link to their website below. If you had a hankering to try something that wasn't on the bar, all you had to do was mention it, and it was soon out there swirling steam. The White Cheezy was my favorite! It is a small buffet, only 6 pizzas out a time which means they are always bringing out new ones! There's no salad bar either but who wants to be a rabbit when there's cheesy pizza around?!


  1. I want to eat at Marcos!!!!
    Sounds like a place we ate at in Ohio! Cept they did have a salad bar.They had few small pizzas with interesting toppings!....
    Katie and I ate Chick fa lay and boy oh boy it is wonderfully good!

  2. Tell Sue she needs to come to Michigan and we can do some fun stuff together!!

    1. I told her and she said she would love too!! :)
