Monday, January 7, 2013

did you know?

...that life has been moving along quite nicely for certain individuals, and  we are excitedly anticipating a family wedding in the near future? {Congrats, Roxie and Jer!!}

...that I will be back in the classroom for the next four months starting January 28?! {HELP! am I crazy?!}

...that you never know what the next day will bring? {wonder what is happening today, RIGHT NOW, that we don't have a clue about?}

....that washing dishes in the winter isn't so awful, because the hot water feels lovely to my perpetually cold hands.

....that I've managed to stick to my new year's "try-to" {I don't make RESOLUTIONS!} of making the bed for 5 days in a row? {skipped yesterday since it's the day of rest!}

....that Daniel took my lil sis hunting and found out that we aren't related because she can walk like a DOVE!!! {he even had to look back to see if she was still there, she can walk SO QUIETLY!}

...that I desperately need some new dresses for teaching? {WHY don't I keep my wardrobe replenished like normal people?}

....that I'm yearning to stop by the thrift store when I go to town this afternoon for my allergy shots? {I should stay out of them and do IMPORTANT things like s.e.w.i.n.g.}

....that TODAY is the last day for you to tell me your Christmas dinner menu and get your name entered to win the measure of all measuring cups?

....and last, but not least, that I would welcome and covet your prayers for the next while? {It's gonna be a super challenge to step into the place of such a fabulous teacher, to try be a good wife and homemaker, and to keep my sanity!!}

THANKS in advance! :)


  1. I am so thankful for teachers! They have to put up with my children for part of the day and it is worth so much to me, not to have to home school. Teachers fill a big place and it's humbling for the parents at times to have others deal with their naughty child. You surely hope they know your trying at home and don't allow that behavior at home! As you can tell, sad to say, I've had some experience.

    1. oh yes, we are all so human!!! :) I sometimes cringe thinking about what all the children are most likely saying at the supper table about Mrs. F!!!

    2. What I meant is that teachers are FAR from perfect too!!

  2. LOL! Who are you calling "normal"? Isn't that just a setting on the dryer? I would really. really hate to have you see my wardrobe! I even love to sew & can never stay on top of it. My nephew's getting married Feb. 10 & I can pretty much guarantee we will only get the basics done (family supper & wedding). Cut out a bunch of dresses & have some of your friends & family help you sew. You could have a fun day & it would be a labor of love from them. And, of course, when you wear the dresses, you can smile & be warmed by the memories!

    1. that's super idea!! and like you said, NORMAL is such an abstract word, i don't even know why we use it!! :)

  3. Only you could step into Roxie's place! :) I'm totally happy that Blaine will have you for a teacher!!!

    1. thanks... I think they are all such a great bunch!! :)

    2. Totally agree with Anne! I am so excited to have you for Kaylee's teacher! You'll do great! :)
