Tuesday, October 30, 2012

trying to stay WARM!

It's so cold, even the buses have to wear sweaters!!! This pic just 'warmed' my soul... the coziest bus ever! These past few days have been effectively zapping any last remains of summer! Once again, we didn't really have "Fall" - just dove straight into winter from the scorching heat! Our faithful little plug-in heater is pumping its wee heart out by my feet as a I type... I am planning to stay up late to finish my royal blue dress that I must get done to wear to the pre-wedding supper. This aft-eve, I went nature-watching again in vain; should have stayed home to sew like a good little housewifey! The sweetest lil spotted fawn wandered in front of me...where was its DADDY?!! Even though I didn't get a chance to shoot for real, I did accidentally lob an arrow into the wild blue yonder when I was "practicing" shooting the imaginary king of the forest.... Help! that finger trigger release is touchy! {especially if you have it turned the wrong way!}
I should end this wacky post; my dress is not sewing itself. G'nite peoples!

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