Monday, October 22, 2012

reflections by the dozen

1. You know you have a super good book when you end up reading it everywhere you go... Like reading at stop signs, in parking lots before and after grabbing groceries etc.

2. Roasted, salted pumpkin seeds taste amazing mixed with Reese Pieces!

3. Hosiery was created by someone who wished to stifle the natural joy of life.

4. I don't actually go bow hunting....I just "nature-watch" with a weapon of deadly destruction on my lap.

5. Dogs love people the way we all should; totally without any scorecards or or prejudices of appearance! And they give kisses without ever expecting any in return.

6. Sometimes when I'm at school, I feel like telling the children, "You is kind, You is smart, You is important." But they haven't read The Help and would call me out on my grammar, so I just tell them they are smart, kind, and important. I do try really hard not to come across as crazy as I truly am.

7. A painting I intend to call "The Fall Tree" is waiting on the easel for some attention. I started it yesterday and it is definitely in the "love me not" stage. Usually somewhere along the way to completion, my paintings suddenly morph into the "love me" phase. Thankfully.

8. A silly little dog figurine called out to me at We Care today. For .$49 he now is mine. I plan to spray paint him a solid color to give him more class. Red, navy, or turquoise???

9. Daniel keeps making me fall in love with his sense of injected with laughter is irresistible to me! God knew I would need a man who can always make me laugh.

10. Can the deer sense my intentions of spray-painting their antlers hot pink once I have them mounted?! IF I ever get to nab one....

11. Don't bother buying a souvenir mug on vacation. Just wait until you get home and buy it at We Care. Totally siked about the NYC mug I got today!

12. Spray paint is my BFF.


  1. Replies
    1. still haven't painted it...y'all aren't much help!!! :) lol

  2. RED! because you have a turquoise stand and a navy turquoise pumpkin. AND HE COULD BE CLIFFORD!

    1. i thought of that same thing! gotta love Clifford! :)

  3. just glad you're my friend! i always LOVE your ramblings... :) and i will NEVER forget your Daniel's off the top of the head description of the game farkle... rofl

    1. refresh my memory??! I can imagine what he might have said but guess I don't remember it right off! :)

    2. well... it had to do with what happens when you eat glitter! :) My Danl & I still laugh over that one... :)

  4. I LOVE "The Help"!!!!!!! :D This is a very cool list of stuff.

  5. I love this list. Are you getting tired of reading my comments on very old posts you probably don’t remember anymore?!??
