Tuesday, October 2, 2012

i will write again, right?

One of these days when life gets back to normal, {whatever that is?!} I will blog daily. I just got done subbing at school for four days, and am now eating cold, baked beans as I sit here typing a tad while I wait on Dad to get back to the office so we can work on bookwork again. AGAIN. Whew! What an exhausting sentence! Mom is still recovering albeit slowly and painfully. I think maybe I just heard Dad drive in...... Oh and FYI, Daniel shot the most adorable, baby, feral piglet last night! {if wild hogs can even be considered cute!!} Tomorrow the poor piggy won't be crying "Weeee weee weeee" because he will be marinated, injected, roasted and devoured! Wanna join us?


  1. Who ya subbing for?Make ya wish u were teach n again?:)

    1. I was subbing for Heidi; she is Roxie's assistant, but also helps the other teachers a bit. She teaches some classes and does a lot of math drill. It did sorta make me lonely for my own classroom again! Being with the kids was awesome! :) They are such a hoot sometimes!

  2. the pig was scrummy....
