Thursday, August 16, 2012

a little brag

I'm gonna brag just a tiny bit, because I was so proud of myself yesterday! Danl's alarm began chirping merrily at 5:00 much to my disgust!! I forcefully dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 with full intention that I would go back to bed once he was out the door! But a strange thing happened, and I morphed into a different person!! One with ambition and energy! So I launched into the day with vigor and began doing some midweek cleaning! First I attacked the bathrooms, then vacuumed and mopped the floors while I had a couple loads of wash going. Even the dishwasher got emptied and the trash taken out! All that was done by 7:30 when I plopped down into my chair to read my Bible and eat breakfast. (kinda felt like reading Proverbs 31 and patting myself on the back for a change!) Renewed in mind and spirit, I struck out and took a 30 minute power walk before showering and getting dressed for the day. Jacob arrived around 9:30 to stay with me while Rhonda was in Pensacola, so I had to brag a bit to her too. :) Normally I would still be in pjs for at 9:30 without a thing done except maybe breakfast eaten! Jacob ended up getting invited to go along with Levi to corn harvest, so I'll have to have my day with him a different day soon since he was with me only an hour. Then I proceeded to sew awhile on Mel's dress, made a chicken potpie each for Kristen and Katia, and flopped a batch of cookies. (Sure wish I would just make the recipe I know is good instead of always wanting to try a new one!!) The new babies are so sweet...was fun to cuddle them both a bit! Liam was fresh home from the hospital only a few hours so I felt really on the ball there! But I hadn't even seen Trevan yet, and he's 3 weeks old! So can't do any bragging about that one!
I'll end this post with a question! "Do you think my strange amount of energy could be the result of having gone to bed the evening before at 9:30, and having eaten a healthy supper of sauteed kale and grilled chicken?!!"


  1. Reply to question: Oh surly not, I would never want to think that going to bed on time helps a person get up better in the morning:)

    1. I know, lol! Such an easy solution I don't know why I can't just go to bed early all the time! :)

  2. Going to bed before midnight definitely helps! I should try that sometime!

    1. Why is it so hard to do though?!! I just feel more alive at night and like to prowl around :)
