Monday, November 19, 2012

what we've been up to...

Howdy! Long time, no blog! Life has been keeping us hopping! Friday I babysat Neil, or as he corrected me, "bigboysat!" because he is NOT a baby! Saturday was Wade and Rhonda's 10th anniversary, so they spent the day and night away to celebrate. I tried to get a lot of baking done for the bake sale, but it didn't really happen. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be ready to have children of our own! HOW do you ever accomplish anything?! I did get my allergy shots, make 45 whoopee pies, and attend the annual Fruit and Nut Sale though with him before taking him to Grandma Diane's for the night. I couldn't decide when to stop baking, but after 9 pies, 73 whoopee pies counting the ones I had made Thursday, 15 white chip pumpkin streusel muffins, 3 loaves of bread, and a red velvet cake, I called it quits and headed for bed at 2 am. Saturday morning, Anne, Becky, and I loaded the bed of the truck with all our goodies and headed for the Kid's House in Milton. It was a gorgeous day to be out selling baked goods under the trees. We didn't sell out there like we had hoped, but the first time at a location is slower most of the time. It kinda got to be a joke how many people walked by our tables and looked longingly at all the sweets only to sadly shake their heads and say, "I would buy stuff, but I'm diabetic." Guess we should've baked with Splenda! The "Festival of Trees" was Saturday night also, so we got a free sneak peak at all the Christmas loveliness thanks to my sweet mom-in-law! The creativity that people put into decorating their trees was amazing! Becky and I took some baked goods into the gas station we stopped at on the way home and managed to sell one loaf of poppyseed bread. Next stop was Steve's Farm where we sold some more things! Then I decided we should stop by the field where Daniel was dove hunting and we ending up almost selling out to all those guys! So it was an interesting but fun Bake Sale Day! Yesterday we had our church dedication service at Southern Harbor Church. I hadn't ever attended a church dedication before. It was an interesting service with the dates, facts, and figures of the building and of course a sermon and lots of beautiful songs. We had sandwiches, fruit salad, chips, pickles, cake, and ice cream for the meal. Today, Daniel had things to do around here this morning, and left after lunch. I have been dinking and piddling around not accomplished much, yet having much that needs to get accomplished! One more thought before I close, Daniel told me that the new addition in our bedroom should not be called the "Pegboard Partition," rather it is the "Armory!" lol


  1. Twas a fun, memory-making day! :) My kitchen finally totally recovered last night! :)

    1. Never know what all will transpire when we get together! lol
