Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Are any of you, dear faithful readers and commenters, interested in getting an email notification whenever I have posted a new post on the ole blog? My lil sis who is much more bloggerific than I, has found a way for this to happen since the private blogs can't use the regular "follow by email" app. So, if you get weary with checking to see if I've posted {and being disappointed!} please comment, and I will make it send you an email to save you the hassle of loading up the webpage only to find the same old content. Here's to posting more regularly and to only viewing new stuff!!! :)

Also, doesn't this reading room just make you swoon?! I would love to brew me some tea, grab some coconut oatmeal cookies, tuck my Nook under my arm, and dive into the picture....


  1. I would like to get an email notification when you do a new post. I would also like to know how to do that on my own blog if you don't mind sharing the knowledge. Thanks

    1. Np! :) go to "settings", then to "mobile and email," then at the bottom where it says, "email posts to" just add in your email addresses and click "save changes." let me know if you get an email when I post again!

    2. Shelley, I was wondering if I would find favor in your sight to be able to read your blog.?. If so, dear friend, my email address is and I'll be waiting for an invitation!

  2. I tried doing it to mine and it said I could only put in 10 people.:(

    1. Bummer!! :( Mine did too! Didn't expect that! I guess the first 10 people to request it will be the lucky ones!

  3. THis is a very old post but I found it in your "popular posts" and was wondering if I could possibly get put on the list?! :)
