Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We NEED a shoe solution!!!

 At this moment, there are a baker's dozen pairs of shoes in the foyer! (excuse me, trailer houses do not have foyers! I meant right inside the living room door!!) Two pairs of cowboy boots, two pairs of flip flops, two pairs of tennis shoes, two pairs of camo hunting boots, one pair of tactical combat boots, one pair of grungy slippers, and three pairs of crocs! Fur-lined crocs, canvas crocs, and regular ole plain crocs! Shoes are taking over the living room! Help! Any solutions, anyone? If I haul them all to the bedroom closet every day, grass and dirt goes along with them. I've thought of a "shoe tree", but somehow it just doesn't seem to have the same decor appeal as coat tree..... Maybe instead of a bookcase, we could have a "shoe-case"! :)


  1. The only solution I can come up with is: BUILD A NEW HOUSE. And have a shoe closet with a vacumm nearby to sweep up dirt and grass.

  2. Perfect idea, Mel! :) I like how you think!!

  3. Or how about a weather proof closet on the porch outside?:)

  4. Sharon I have one small idea. I will try and find a picture of what Juliana did. She had the very same problem. Worse I think as she has 3 boys and one man to keep up with. Right by the backdoor to the right she had a little corner. Blake built her a wooded box with a lid, you know like a toy box. Well in goes the shoes! You might have a problem finding a place for a box THAT big for all those shoes you have. Good Luck! Tell Daniel to put a water tight tool box on the front porch for his SHOES !!!!!!

  5. Thanks for the suggestion, shirley! I may try moving one of the glider rockers to the spare bedroom, which would give me a bit more space and either buying or have Daniel build me some sort of shelf or box; not sure yet what will work best.
