Thursday, January 26, 2012

sweet dreams haiku

oh to fall in bed
I will not need to count sheep
why rings the alarm???!!!

We are on a horrible schedule around here! We go to bed way too late and sleep way longer than we should in the morning! Every night we say, "we'll get up good time in the morning!" But alas, we end up snoozing the alarm for an hour or more! So, since it is now 10:28 pm, I intend to hit the hay and be up to witness the sunrise! Goodnight everyone....


  1. So were you able to get up without pushing the snooze? LOL!!!!!

  2. Yes! :) and I stood at the door and watched the sun come up!!

  3. wow you WERE determined!!:) I HATE having a schedule that i HAVE to stick 2 but I feel SO much better if I stick to it!!! While on Christmas vacation I said forget a schedule and just slept till I pleased now I pay n for it cus its been TERRIBLE hard to get back on:(
