Wednesday, January 25, 2012

just make the bed

  Making the bed is not my priority. But, I have found that, on the mornings that I just buckle down and make the bed, I am blessed with a certain, small thrill of satisfaction every time I walk by and see all seven pillows proudly standing at attention at the head of the bed, each one in its proper place. And it doesn't even take that long to accomplish, perhaps five minutes! Making the bed gives me a small hope, that someday, maybe, just maybe, I can attain the standard that is 'normal' for most people! But it's on days like today, when the covers lay all day tangled in mad disarray, and the pillows add stately decor only to the corner, that reality hits me and my pitiful glow of hope is smothered by the knowledge that my aspiration to be 'normal' is quite unrealistic. I must embrace my abnormalities and go on with life! Nevertheless, I will try again tomorrow to "JUST MAKE THE BED!"


  1. I can say that making the bed isn't my favorite duty either but I hate to crawl into a unmade bed at night:( There have been a few times where I didn't get the bed made in the morning but it eventually got made before we go to bed. Sometimes it may be only a couple hours before we go to bed but hey, it was made:) LOL!!! I no I'm weird but just have this phoby about unmade beds:)But you know what you ARE NOT abnormal at all Sharon for not making your bed!!!!! I love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. thanks, Tara! :) gives me hope that even you, thou queen of housekeeping, don't get it made first thing every morning!! lol

  3. your funny!! i guess we all have our bad habits, if you knew some of mine you would prolly be horrified:)
