Tuesday, August 27, 2013

time management ~ lights ~ comments


I'm seriously sleepy so this will be short! School started Monday! So good to be back surrounded by students in the world of education! I love my job. What I don't love is my lack of efficiency and time management. Any helpful hints, anyone?? This is only day 2 and I haven't gotten home before 6 yet...I need to get a PLAN for after school and STICK WITH IT. But, yesterday I had to do more duck taping {LOVE duck tape!} and today I visited with Tam awhile about school since she is soon going out to teach in Wilcox, AZ! So I guess I do have valid reasons for not completing my work in a timely manner. Tomorrow I will have it together! I have determined that this year, SLEEP is golden and will be my upmost priority so I can function at my best for my hubby and my kids. That said, I wish you all could stop by and visit me at WHCS! Since I will be spending a majority of my life there for the next 9 months, I endeavored to morph my classroom from the drab, windowless middle room of the school into a well-lit, happy place! When I arrive in the morning, I have to make my rounds turning on the string of colored lights, the lime green spray-painted lamp, the patio lights and rope lights in the reading tent, the LED light for Beatrice the Beta fish, and of course the overhead halogen lights! But it's so worth it. The right ambiance makes all the difference. OK, enough rambling about lights, it's time to turn them out and scramble into my unmade bed. {another post will soon be coming to update you on the status and results of my happiness project resolutions! I am still doing it.} And I kinda hate to add this last thought, but I feel rather needy and am hankering for some comments from y'all! I know it takes a bit more time, but I crave your thoughts, advice, and opinions! Thanks. over and out.

{BTW, I didn't write anything about FOOD. Just sayin'.}


  1. Aw! Sometimes I miss that ol school! I would love to stop in and see you! And all the lights too! lol If I lived there I'd even offer to help you in whatever you needed! :) Is Tam excited about going to Wilcox? My friend from there just told me about her coming last week! Ok have a super day tomorrow and be home by 5 for sure! :)

    1. Wish you could!! :) and yes, Tam is very enthused! I'm so excited for her and think she is quite brave!! And I did get home shortly after 3 amazingly!! {Because danl just got home from being gone for 5 nights!! So I will have to go super early in the morn~ :)

  2. Just don't forget who you're supposed to call for a sub if you need one! It was a tad hard on me to watch every one get ready for school this year :'( but I'm pumped about music so... How many times did you have to back space to keep from writing about food? :) or are school lunches just not that exciting?

    1. OK, I will do that!! :) The kids {and me!} are so thrilled about music too!! LOL on the backspacing! :) I have had some super lunches! Wanna hear all about 'em?!

  3. I would LOVE to see your classroom!!! You must get there at least 30 min. early so you can get them all turned on in time? :) I hadn't heard Tam was teaching, what is she doing with her house there?
    And also best wishes to you on your time management, I don't see how you do it working 5 days a week I get terrible behind just working 3 days a week:( Lately I just been doing 2 and been doing much better at keeping up:) so don't be so discouraged with yourself your doing good!!!

    1. I think she's just leaving it empty, but I haven't just asked! Thanks for the encouragement! I will just have to accept the mess sometimes...but we did hire Mel to clean!! So awesome to have a maid! She came the other day and mopped the kitchen floor 4 times until it met her approval! Mop, bleach, rinse, and a final rinse! LOL! You would know what kind of dirt she is dealing with :) Remember when you cleaned for me?!

  4. I love your classroom! It truly is cheery! LOL on not posting on food! Maybe I should bring something gooey and rich after school sometime!

    1. THANKS! :) and yes, DO! Lana loves gooey chocolate stuff too!

  5. I love your classroom! And Kaylee is loving school! I appreciate your enthusiasm! It's contagious! We're here for you if you need anything! :)

    1. Thanks! :) I'm loving it too! Such a great bunch! :) I miss the 7th graders but am loving the small class; it's the smallest I've ever had! Thanks so much for all you have been doing! The enthusiasm, support, and attention of the board have been absolutely awesome!

  6. Hi Sharon! I enjoy your blog and love to hear what's happening in your life! :) Sorry I don't take the time to leave comments more... Here's to a great school yr for you! I'm sure you are an A#1 teacher! Would love to see your classroom with all the lights etc. :) Luv ya

    1. Thanks! :) love you too!! I love reading your letters too! Miss y'all like crazy!! We need to get together again!!

  7. Love your classroom too! It turned out great! Hopefully I will come visit you there every now & then! ;)

    1. thanks! :) and please do! I miss spending time with my fam!!

  8. You deserve a gold medal for all you do!!! :) Your classroom is such a cheery place, too... Almost makes me wish I was back in school! :)

    1. thanks! Don't think the medal is applicable though! :)
