Thursday, September 27, 2012


Attention, blog readers! The following post has been sitting half-written in my draft box since Tuesday.... So here's an attempt at getting somewhat current again.
Finally whipped up a batch of homemade fabric softener!! I'd pinned it on pinterest awhile back, and had been pining to try it.

What You’ll Need:

  • 6 cups HOT water
  • 3 cups white vinegar
  • 2 cups Suave Refreshing Waterfall Conditioner {or other favorite scent}

What You’ll Do:

  • Mix conditioner & hot water well, until conditioner is dissolved completely.
  • Add the vinegar, and mix well.
  • Store in a large container {empty fabric softener container, empty large vinegar bottle, etc}
  • Pour into a downy ball… or use approx. 2 tbsp. in the fabric softener spot in your laundry machine… then wash!

I made a half recipe to try if out and used "Fresh Green Apple" conditioner as I love anything apple! {One of my first and favorite "apple" memories is receiving a little bucket of apple bath products from B&B Works for my birthday from my friend Monica when I was pretty young. Thanks again!} It smells great and seemed to work well in the one load of laundry I've done since Monday! {have washed some towels, but I don't put softener in y'all?? I think it makes them less absorbent, but who knows!} I had fun glamming up a container for my homemade "Downy." First I peeled the labels of my old softener bottle. Then I cut label-sized pieces of hounds tooth wrapping paper. Finally, I modge-podged them in place, and voila! Classy-looking home for humble, homemade, fabric softener.

Back to apples, I highly recommend Dunkin' Donuts' new, seasonal, "Apple Orchard Donut." Until I had eaten "cake" donuts at DD, I never would've said that I liked them. But I DO! I really. really. DO. LIKE them! A. LOT. Monday, I ran down and got pricked at Dr. Cleveland's office since Dr. McIntyre is out for a week, and since allergy shots make me really hungry, I got one of these donuts after I had devoured my black bean burrito from Taco Bell. It hit the spot! Don't you just love the wonderful invention of the drive-thru? Go through one, eat, drive on down the road, check for hunger, hit next drive-thru, eat, and so on and so forth until you run out of drive-thrus! Or money, or hunger....


  1. I like to use fabric softener in my towels if I'm going to hang them on the line. They get so stiff. Otherwise they don't absorb water good!

    1. wish I could hang mine out! but it brings in too much pollen etc. for my allergies :(

  2. I have not used fabric softener for years and years.
    Sounds interesting.

    Sharon you will have to try out Roly Poly for wraps the next time you go to Pensacola. Super good. Our favorite place right now. Next to 32 Degrees. In the strip mall next to Starbucks on Bayou Blvd.

    1. Do you use dryer sheets then? or do your clothes just not get static? I love 32 degrees!!! Will have to have a wrap with my yogurt next time! :)
