Sunday, March 17, 2013

escape to London

Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart: A Novel (Modern Contemporary Fiction Po)
Lest my sunshine start to shrivel, and my head completely disappear into discombobulation, I purposed to give myself a healthy break from continually pondering such thoughts as, "WHY did he make that grade on that test when I had thought that he was quite prepared?!... What should I do to make today's geography lesson come ALIVE so that she will grasp it???.....and WHAT really is going on in the boys' bathroom?! It feels like my mind is almost constantly swirling with school-related thoughts! So, here and there, sentence by slow sentence, I read this keeper of a book { $.69 @ We Care} this past week! I love all things Jane Austen, and this was playful prose set in London about her Pride and Prejudice. I mostly bought it because it was such a pretty book; the vivid red and green of the cover just did me in! But this time, twas a book rightly judged by its delightful, outward appearance! But alas, whilst I was whiling away my few precious minutes at home with my nose in this book, the dishes didn't do themselves, the laundry multiplied and so on and so forth. But y'all don't wanna hear about those mundane matters any more than I do! I gave it a lick and promise for now, and am eagerly anticipating Mel coming to the rescue on Tuesday! Hope you all have a terrific week, with a sneak of Jane Austen {or whatever literature tickles your gizzard and gives you extra gumption!} stuck in here and there! I'm sticking Sense and Sensibility in my bag where it can nestle with my Geography manual. Who knows? Inspiration might seep through their covers.....


  1. I hadn't read much this winter and decided to read a book, last week. I started it in the evening and the next morning once the kids were off to school I sat down and read until the phone rang at 2:oo and my friend was wanting me to babysit for the evening. We quickly grabbed us some lunch and had a hectic rest of the day. I decided I had to stay away from books! I usually don't get ones that interesting. It was an old book that I got from Anita's barn. Anita Haynes has a lending library of old books. You would love it if you enjoy old books!

    1. I've heard about anita's awesome barn! :) and I do love old books! and new books! and middle-aged books! lol
