Here's the scatterbrained scoop! The way I see it, each day is an adventure to be lived to the fullest with the man of my dreams, our darling little girl, and our furbaby Floki!
Monday, February 27, 2012
word of the day
flexuous \FLEK-shoo-uhs\
, adjective:
Full of bends or curves; sinuous.
This word resonates with me! Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm still in school, and am required to write three sentences correctly using the word of the day. :) Silly, I know! But anyway....
1. Life is a flexuous journey that all must embark upon.
2. The contortions of certain yoga positions require one to be extremely flexuous!
3. Retrieving items buried in our closet can be a flexuous activity! (Dig, bend, and reach!)
You are too funny! But sometimes I would love to be back in school again too!