Monday, February 20, 2012

happy anniversary to us!!

This day seven years ago, I married my best friend
The one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love....

We celebrated by spending the day working together at a landscape job, then going out for hibachi and sushi! :) Tokyo was the best! It's hard to believe that seven magical years have passed since our wedding day! Poor Danl, he was so sick...only ate a few potato chips for lunch. Me, on the other hand, sampled everything and tasted each dessert!! (remember the mocha dessert, Mom? wasn't it at our wedding that you first tasted it?!) Of course, life and love isn't all roses, but we've learned to fight and forgive, to live and to learn; together! When we tell people how long we've been married, it usually shocks them! But hey, Daniel was 20 and I was 18! ;) We've had a great time growing up together!


  1. Yup it sure has been a long time! I cant hardly remember you at home much less Rhonda! And what I do remember is Wade this or Daniel that! And Rhonda singing that silly Chevy truck song, and Daniel coming over all the time!
    guess I should head out at 18 too to keep up the tradition. LOL
