Saturday, February 18, 2012

my healthy lunch

Just thought I'd share how healthy my lunch was today! Daniel had gone to the gym, and then ate lunch with one of his buddies at Subway, so there was no need for me to spend time in the kitchen cooking! Yay!! Left to my own devices, this is the sort of food I usually come up with when it's just me around to eat it! I decided to call today's creation the "Super-Duper PB&Honey Wrap".

Soften a wheat tortilla (lots of fiber) in the micro a few seconds.
Spread it with creamy peanut butter (much protein).
Slather on some honey (natural sugar).
Sprinkle it with semisweet chocolate chips (heart-healthy antioxidants).
Drop on some chopped pecans (healthy oils and enzymes).
Roll it up, and devour! :)


  1. zowie that sounds good. Have me over for it sometime!

  2. anytime, Mel! :) it was delish!!!
