Here's the scatterbrained scoop! The way I see it, each day is an adventure to be lived to the fullest with the man of my dreams, our darling little girl, and our furbaby Floki!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
shout out to all readers of this blog!
I have become aware that not everyone I've invited to read this blog has been able to! I want to get whatever bugs worked out as soon as possible, so please help me out! If you have been reading my blog without any issues, please say so with a comment. If you are having trouble, tell me what it is. Thanks so much! You don't have to ever comment again if you don't want to, but please leave a comment (just a smiley face will do!) and put your name with it, so I know that things are OK for you! :)
Monday, February 27, 2012
word of the day
flexuous \FLEK-shoo-uhs\
, adjective:
Full of bends or curves; sinuous.
This word resonates with me! Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm still in school, and am required to write three sentences correctly using the word of the day. :) Silly, I know! But anyway....
1. Life is a flexuous journey that all must embark upon.
2. The contortions of certain yoga positions require one to be extremely flexuous!
3. Retrieving items buried in our closet can be a flexuous activity! (Dig, bend, and reach!)
Full of bends or curves; sinuous.
This word resonates with me! Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm still in school, and am required to write three sentences correctly using the word of the day. :) Silly, I know! But anyway....
1. Life is a flexuous journey that all must embark upon.
2. The contortions of certain yoga positions require one to be extremely flexuous!
3. Retrieving items buried in our closet can be a flexuous activity! (Dig, bend, and reach!)
a touch from God
"If you want a touch from God, you need to be within whispering distance, not shouting distance."
This thought was left at church last night, and it really impressed me. So many times, we are completely wrapped up in life, and miss the whispers of God. I want to always be near enough to hear the faintest whisper. Life is filled with touches of God if we just stop long enough to find them. He speaks to us in many ways....through His Word, through our friends and family, through the silver lining of the clouds, even through the simple joy of breathing fresh air.
This thought was left at church last night, and it really impressed me. So many times, we are completely wrapped up in life, and miss the whispers of God. I want to always be near enough to hear the faintest whisper. Life is filled with touches of God if we just stop long enough to find them. He speaks to us in many ways....through His Word, through our friends and family, through the silver lining of the clouds, even through the simple joy of breathing fresh air.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I want, I want...
I spotted this gorgeous cake stand in the Better Homes and Gardens magazine the other day, and fell head over heals for it! It would even be lovely for living room decor with an odd item perched atop when it didn't have a towering red velvet cake sitting on it! :) If anyone feels like buying me (or themselves for that matter!) an early birthday gift, here's the link to the website where you can make the purchase.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Breaking News! Woman Discovers E-Z Contact Book!!
If you are like me, and sometimes run around like a chicken with its head cut off, you will love the "E-Z Contact Book"! In my previous life before yesterday, I could not come up with a simple way to keep the myriad addresses of friends, family, and business contacts organized! The disarray was nearing complete disaster; some addresses were on sticky notes, various others on an uncompleted google doc titled "Christmas addresses", and the business clientele list of addresses was......(it's so embarrassing, I hardly want to admit it!) still the same old piece of papyrus that Drew had given us years ago when we bought the business!! Eeeek! Most of the addresses were now obsolete and had a large X drawn over them, new ones had been scribbled in by hand all over the sheet, and one poor address even had the word "DEAD" written beside it! Time had continued on, and I needed to do the same! Finally, after much stress with Excel and Word Mail Wizard, I gave up, and in desperation googled "what is a good way to organize addresses" and found this wonderful program on called E-Z Contact Book. It had rave reviews, was free, and simple to download and install, even for a computer dummy like me! I was so thrilled, that I promptly created three groups; "FLL Customers", "Friends and Fam", and "Business Contacts", and sat here typing away, feeling like a type-A, organized individual! It's an extremely user-friendly program. You can easily enter a new contact, edit an old one, move it to different list, etc. Check it out, and dare to download a new life! :)
WARNING! Organizing can be addicting! (how wonderful in my case!)
WARNING! Organizing can be addicting! (how wonderful in my case!)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
thank you, Thomas Edison!
Sometimes a simple light bulb makes all the difference! We are loving the new curly-cue light bulbs that I picked up at Fred's for the master bathroom the other day. I've never been a fan of them before, always classifying them as dreadfully ugly! But I have fallen in love! These light bulbs transform our once gloomy loo to a sparkly, spa-like space! Whites things seem whiter, and glass things glisten. The downside of all this wonderful spectacular-ness is that I will need to keep things cleaner, as mirror splatters are glaringly evident! And when my reflection gazes back at me from the mirror, I see plainly blemishes that I wish were not so apparent....but, like the saying goes, "you can't have your cake, and eat it too!"
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
a great read!
I'm so pleased that I snagged this book at the thrift store the other day! It was well worth $.69! Anyone is welcome to borrow my copy, or if you decide to purchase it for $13.00, you will not be dissapointed!
Ava's Man, a riveting memoir by Rick Bragg, (he writes the last-page article in Southern Living) is a book that is simply saturated with southern charm. If you are from the south, you will recognize many of the places mentioned. Guntersville, Gadsden, and Birmingham to name a few! :) Rick tells this true story of his grandfather, Charlie, by painting graphic mind pictures of moonshine stills, red dirt roads, and hardscrabble times in the Depression era. It was a time when cotton was picked by hand, and food was hard to come by. But, because of Charlie's deep love for his family, along with his tremendous grit and determination to work hard, they always had enough to see them through.
Ava's Man, a riveting memoir by Rick Bragg, (he writes the last-page article in Southern Living) is a book that is simply saturated with southern charm. If you are from the south, you will recognize many of the places mentioned. Guntersville, Gadsden, and Birmingham to name a few! :) Rick tells this true story of his grandfather, Charlie, by painting graphic mind pictures of moonshine stills, red dirt roads, and hardscrabble times in the Depression era. It was a time when cotton was picked by hand, and food was hard to come by. But, because of Charlie's deep love for his family, along with his tremendous grit and determination to work hard, they always had enough to see them through.
Monday, February 20, 2012
happy anniversary to us!!
This day seven years ago, I married my best friend
The one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love....
We celebrated by spending the day working together at a landscape job, then going out for hibachi and sushi! :) Tokyo was the best! It's hard to believe that seven magical years have passed since our wedding day! Poor Danl, he was so sick...only ate a few potato chips for lunch. Me, on the other hand, sampled everything and tasted each dessert!! (remember the mocha dessert, Mom? wasn't it at our wedding that you first tasted it?!) Of course, life and love isn't all roses, but we've learned to fight and forgive, to live and to learn; together! When we tell people how long we've been married, it usually shocks them! But hey, Daniel was 20 and I was 18! ;) We've had a great time growing up together!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
my healthy lunch
Just thought I'd share how healthy my lunch was today! Daniel had gone to the gym, and then ate lunch with one of his buddies at Subway, so there was no need for me to spend time in the kitchen cooking! Yay!! Left to my own devices, this is the sort of food I usually come up with when it's just me around to eat it! I decided to call today's creation the "Super-Duper PB&Honey Wrap".
Soften a wheat tortilla (lots of fiber) in the micro a few seconds.
Spread it with creamy peanut butter (much protein).
Slather on some honey (natural sugar).
Sprinkle it with semisweet chocolate chips (heart-healthy antioxidants).
Drop on some chopped pecans (healthy oils and enzymes).
Roll it up, and devour! :)
Soften a wheat tortilla (lots of fiber) in the micro a few seconds.
Spread it with creamy peanut butter (much protein).
Slather on some honey (natural sugar).
Sprinkle it with semisweet chocolate chips (heart-healthy antioxidants).
Drop on some chopped pecans (healthy oils and enzymes).
Roll it up, and devour! :)
Friday, February 17, 2012
all stacked up
I need HELP! And ADVICE! And MONEY! OK, now that I have that out of the way, I'll tell you why I feel desperate for some wisdom. I want to tackle organizing my fabric scraps by color, (the sudden inspiration for this will be revealed in another post!!) and I don't have anything to put them in. So, I've been browsing the web for solutions. So far, I like these metal, stacking bins from The Container Store the best. But, I want to have a bin each for pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, blacks, browns, and whites; which comes to the great total of 10! And at $19.99 each, I'd basically have to take out a loan! I'm telling myself it would be worth it though, as they are durable, attractive, and versatile! Surely they would last me the rest of my life! I also love the fact that you can get into each one while they are stacked. I can just picture in my mind how fabulous they will look in the corner by my sewing machine; each one overflowing with colorful fabric...
So unless y'all can give me a better option, I may have to make the splurge! Check them out and give me your opinion!
Scary thought here! At 8 in. in height, 10 stacked will be over 6 ft!! That's nearly to the ceiling!!!
So unless y'all can give me a better option, I may have to make the splurge! Check them out and give me your opinion!
Scary thought here! At 8 in. in height, 10 stacked will be over 6 ft!! That's nearly to the ceiling!!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
the daunting to-do list
We bought a whiteboard several weeks ago for the purpose of Daniel using it to schedule yard maintenance this summer. Well, the grass is still sorta brown, so I have claimed the board for now, and have turned it into a massive "TO-DO list"! I wrote "sharon" on one side and "daniel" on the other. Each day I ambitiously fill it nearly to the brim! (does a dry erase board even have a brim?!) Anyway, it's great fun to wipe each job into oblivion as it gets completed! I really think I get more done if I have everything I need to accomplish staring back at me in bold, black letters. And like I learned from my dad, if I do anything that wasn't listed on the board, I virtuously write it on so I can have the thrill of crossing it out! Today, I only got half-done since I'm not superwoman. I did work hard all day, but the menacing white board still wants me to "finish laundry, deep clean desk and file cabinet, dust, vacuum, mop, clean bathrooms, re-type address list, work on taxes." Eeeeek!!! I better get out of this chair!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
strange, but suprisingly good!
This evening, I decided to try an idea that I saw on a healthy cooking show at the doctor's office earlier. I was quite leery, but gave it a go! First, I sliced up some strawberries, sprinkled them with sugar, then dribbled on a bit of balsamic vinegar and the tiniest bit of dried basil before tossing it all together. It kinda looked disgusting, but after popping the first bite in my mouth, I changed my mind! Twas strange I'll admit, a bit tangy and tart, yet sweet. Not the common flavor that you expect to burst from a strawberry, but it was a flavor that tickled my taste buds!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
happy heart day
Today was one of the most special Valentines Days I can remember! Last night, Daniel told me we should just go ahead and give our little gifts for each early, since I was babysitting Jackson and Mckenna so Summer could work with her mom at her florist shop today. I thought that was a great idea too! :) I love presents, and opening them sooner versus later is always okay with me! My delightful gift dark chocolate espresso beans and Dove milk chocolates was tied up with para cord (definitely a man's ribbon!) I decided to skip the candies for Daniel this year and get him what he really wants, which is ammo for his gun! So he was as tickled pink with his box of bullets as I was with my sweets! I happily went to work today, feeling blessed and loved, and totally not expecting the huge suprise I was in for later. Once Summer was back home, I was preparing to leave when I noticed a stunning bouquet of velvet red roses on the counter. My first thought was that they were hers from Ricky, but no! The tag said "Sharon"! I was very confused! And then I opened the card which said "Love, Daniel"! He had arranged it all with her to be a sweet surprise for me.....I was touched!
For supper,Wade's and we decided to grill out at their place instead of mingling with the masses eating out in town. We dined in fine style on grilled shrimp with mushrooms and onions, ribeye steaks, cheesy potatoes, fresh-baked bread sticks, caesar salad, and red 7-up jello, with coffee and chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert. Our stomachs felt the love! A happy Valentines was had by all....
For supper,Wade's and we decided to grill out at their place instead of mingling with the masses eating out in town. We dined in fine style on grilled shrimp with mushrooms and onions, ribeye steaks, cheesy potatoes, fresh-baked bread sticks, caesar salad, and red 7-up jello, with coffee and chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert. Our stomachs felt the love! A happy Valentines was had by all....
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Dogs and Wings are Wonderful Things!
It's winter tonight in Florida! The lows are predicted to be in the 20's!!! Brrrrrrr!! Way too cold for us and way too cold for Diesel and Leroy! Even though their cozy little "Thomas Kinkade Doghouse of Light" is well-insulated and stuffed with pine straw, it couldn't do an adequate job of keeping them warm on a frigid night like tonight. While I draped the furniture with sheets in preparation for the dogs spending the night inside, Daniel ran up to the Alabama Wing House and got us a bunch of wings for supper. Diesel and Leroy were delighted with this turn of events! :) They even got to help out with the wings! Now that they've each had a much-needed shower, we plan to finish the remainder of the evening with Danl and the boys piled out on the couch, and me curled up in my favorite, red chair from Grammie. It's the best way to spend an evening; all sittin' around together, our stomachs full of wings and "mug brownie", (just had to make another one today!) and the heater blasting merrily away....
Friday, February 10, 2012
Brownie in a Mug!!!
I came across this recipe the other day and promptly HAD to try it out! It's super fast to stir up and fabulously fudgy! I've made it two days in a row. (somehow I managed to refrain today, only because I was baking cookie dough cupcakes!) The first day I had it plain with Bluebell ice cream, and yesterday I mixed in mini M&M's and topped it with frozen Cool Whip! Who knows what I'll add to tomorrow's mug brownie; I think I am addicted to this form of a chocolate fix! Following is the link to the website where you can see step by step photos and some other sumptuous variations! Just follow the simple instructions below if you want to make it without delay! I used 1/8 tsp salt and added a small splash of vanilla too. Let me know if you like this novel dessert, and if you come up with some other cool additions!
Two-Minute Mug Brownie
Adapted from
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch salt
2 Tbsp canola or other mild vegetable oil
2 Tbsp milk, coffee or water
In a heatproof mug or ramekin, stir together the dry ingredients until no lumps remain. Stir in the oil and milk until you have a thick paste.
Microwave on high for a minute, checking it after 30 seconds (microwaves vary) – it will be done when it’s springy on top but still a bit gooey – like the very best brownie. Eat warm.
Two-Minute Mug Brownie
Adapted from
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch salt
2 Tbsp canola or other mild vegetable oil
2 Tbsp milk, coffee or water
In a heatproof mug or ramekin, stir together the dry ingredients until no lumps remain. Stir in the oil and milk until you have a thick paste.
Microwave on high for a minute, checking it after 30 seconds (microwaves vary) – it will be done when it’s springy on top but still a bit gooey – like the very best brownie. Eat warm.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
a good read
Just finished reading The Girl in the Green Sweater by Krystyna Chiger with Daniel Paisner. MomDenise gave it to me this past Christmas. It's the riveting memoir of a young Jewish girl and her family during the Holocaust. To escape certain death, they spent 14 months in the city sewer system amidst the rats, waste, and filth! With tremendous courage and undaunted determination, they managed to survive the world's worst nightmare! This book is definitely worth buying or borrowing! Then settle into a comfy chair for a good read! Thanks, MomDenise!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
deep cleaning
I didn't post anything last night, because I was deep cleaning! My New Year's Resolution was to "DEEP clean the entire house, including purging all closets, drawers, etc. of anything unnecessary!" But, here it is February 8 already, and last night's feeble attempt on the cabinets in our bathroom was my first effort to begin! Sometimes the hardest thing is just getting started, so I hope I'm past that hump now and will continue rockin' and rollin' with the rest of the house! And by posting this, I will be accountable to y'all; feel free to ask me how much progress I've made! Melanie has promised to help a bit, in exchange for me helping her sew, so that will make it a little less daunting!
Monday, February 6, 2012
honey dinner roll disaster
I saw this picture in Country Living magazine the other day, and thought "I have to bake these as soon as possible!" So tonight was the night! I carefully followed the recipe; anticipating golden, fluffy rolls....but, in the end, the result was small, white rocks instead of rolls! Twas so disappointing to bake a disaster! I still can't figure out why they didn't rise. If any of you try this recipe, let me know how they turn out!
- Honey Dinner Rolls
- 1/3 cup(s) honey
- 1 tablespoon(s) honey, plus more for serving
- 1 package(s) active dry yeast
- 4 1/2 cup(s) all-purpose flour, plus more for surface
- 1/4 cup(s) dry buttermilk powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoon(s) coarse salt
- 1/4 cup(s) milk
- 2 large eggs
- 3 tablespoon(s) unsalted butter
, melted; plus more for buttering dishes and serving
- In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup warm water
(110 degrees F), 1/3 cup honey, and yeast. Stir to dissolve yeast. Set aside until mixture becomes frothy on top, about 5 minutes.
- In a large bowl, combine 4 cups flour, buttermilk powder, and salt. Stir in yeast mixture. In a small bowl, whisk together milk, eggs, and 2 tablespoons melted butter. Stir egg mixture into flour mixture and combine until dough comes together. (Add 1/2 cup flour if dough is too sticky.)
- Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth, 5 to 8 minutes. Place dough in a buttered bowl. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let dough rise, at room temperature, until doubled in size, about 45 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Divide dough into 16 equal pieces and shape into balls. Butter two 9-inch pie plates and place 1 ball of dough in the center of each. Evenly space remaining dough balls around pie plates. Cover and let rise, at room temperature, for 20 minutes.
- In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1 tablespoon melted butter. Lightly brush honey-butter mixture over top of rolls. Bake
until golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in pans for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack. Serve with additional honey and pats of butter on the side, if desired.
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Saturday, February 4, 2012
someone to whisper with
Today was what I like to call a "Simple Saturday". We sorta slept in, then each leisurely did our thing. For me, it was laundry, vacuuming, and general straightening up around the house. Daniel went to the gym and ran a few errands. In the afternoon, we decided to go hunting. I hadn't even been rifle hunting in Daniel's new deer stand, so he was excited to take me along. It's really a mac-daddy deer hut! Plenty big enough for two, with real chairs and even carpet! We parked, then made the long hike out to the field, loaded down with rifles, jerky (gotta have food! :), and water. The weather wasn't the best; very overcast and drizzly. Daniel spotted a small deer at one point, but it soon dashed back into the woods. We waited hopefully for the King of the Forest, but he never showed his rack. I tend to get somewhat discouraged with the whole thing, but Daniel has to remind me that it's not called "Shooting", it's called "Hunting" for a reason! So with him there to keep me inspired, I kept scanning the perimeters with high hopes each time it was my turn for the binoculars. But eventually, the shades of night fell fast, and it was time to make the long journey back to the truck. But instead of feeling extremely discouraged like I usually feel when I've hunted alone in vain, I felt like it was a great hunt! Hunting together is just the best; simply because you have someone to whisper with. And if you have someone to whisper with, it doesn't matter if you get the biggest buck ever or nothing at all, because the most important thing in the world is already sitting right there beside you!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Old Navy slippers
Just thought I'd post how thankful I am for my Old Navy slippers! I had my first pair (bright green ones) last winter and wore them to shreds! Each foot has a hole in the sole and there's no cushion left at all! So I was delighted to receive a new red pair from Alisha for Christmas! These slippers are home to my feet almost every day of the winter. They are warm without being too toasty, and lightweight without being too flimsy. I'm not sure if they are still in stock in stores this far into the season or not, but if your toes are begging for some insulation, I highly recommend these cozy, budget-friendly slippers!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
less is more
Please excuse the wackiness of this post! The whole concept of "Less is More" has been on my mind lately, and it can get rather interesting depending on what you apply it to!
Less clutter is more space.
Less cookie is more slimness.
Less sleep is more fatigue.
Less money is more stress.
Less laundry is more happiness.
Less shoes is more shopping.
Less pancake is more syrup.
Less hair is more bald.
Less coffee is more headache.
Less light is more dark.
Less sushi is more cash :)
Less stupid is more smart.
Less trash is more "green".
Less soap is more grime.
Less self is more compassion.
Add your comment of a "less is more"! There's no end once your mind is spinning!
Less clutter is more space.
Less cookie is more slimness.
Less sleep is more fatigue.
Less money is more stress.
Less laundry is more happiness.
Less shoes is more shopping.
Less pancake is more syrup.
Less hair is more bald.
Less coffee is more headache.
Less light is more dark.
Less sushi is more cash :)
Less stupid is more smart.
Less trash is more "green".
Less soap is more grime.
Less self is more compassion.
Add your comment of a "less is more"! There's no end once your mind is spinning!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker
Rub-a-dub-dub, two people in butchering deer! When I think of that old nursery rhyme, I feel the sorriest for the butcher! At least the baker could breathe in the aroma of a decadent chocolate cake, and the candlestick maker could experiment with lavender or vanilla scents....while the poor butcher could only smell meat and blood! Ugh! But, Daniel and I both enjoy venison, and preparing the meat for the freezer is all part of it! It took us several hours, as we had two deer to put up. With the rain pouring down, it felt satisfying to be reaping the benefits of "living off the land" while staying dry!
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