Outside my window... the last drops of rain are slowing slipping down. I was gonna get out and go to church tonight but with no carport or garage; the current deluge "rained" me in!
I am thinking....that it's really hard to know what to do sometimes when both options feel "right" and either choice will make one person happy and the other one sad.
I am thankful...that Danielle loves to eat! There's just something so satisfying about feeding a child. We had Socio's "deetda" with a friend in Pace for lunch today after checking on one of Daniel's jobs. It is truly the best pizza ever! We say this every time we eat it!
In the kitchen... sits a cast iron Dutch oven of boiled peanuts. They turn blackish/purplish from the iron and are just plain good! Try it!
I am wearing... BLACK! BTW, is black a color? Or the absence of color? Either way, I love it.
I am creating...a new hot pink and black lumberjack plaid dress in my mind. Hopefully in reality tomorrow. Or wait; make that later today. It's 12:37 AM.
I am going...to blog more! I've never missed or remembered that work I didn't get done or the zzzz's I didn't z when I chose to write instead! I decided to use this format again tonight because when I haven't written in a while, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I've missed touching on, and this style helps me condense it and feel "current."
I am reading.... Spark JOY by Marie Kondo. I need this woman to come to my house! ASAP. And I'm marathon-reading a new friend's awesome blog!

I am hoping...to sleep double. This is something I wish often was possible!To get the benefits of 2 hours of sleep for every hour slept lol.
I am looking forward to...taking Danielle to a pumpkin patch. I will let her choose her own pumpkin even if it's really ugly.
I am learning...to accept myself. To be myself, but be my best self.
Around the house....things, stuff, clutter, is drowning us! You wouldn't know that I've been slowly KonMaring for a month now...you wouldn't know it, but I do. I've actually, amazingly taken several loads to WeCare and I can breathe just a wee bit better now. A tiny bit of negative energy from things that don't spark joy has flown away! YAY!
One of my favorite things.... is also one of my worst habits! STAYING UP instead sleeping like normal people do. I mean I do go to bed when Daniel does, but I get back up! And relish the perfect silence of solitude, and read, and putter, and mutter, and tidy up, and eat, and think, and dream, and have my devotions, and write in my 5 year diary, and Danielle's 5 year diary, and my devotion journal, and sometimes like tonight, I blog. 
I love this kind of post. I'm gonna have to try it! When you get done Konmaring you're welcome to come start over here. Or restart as the case may be... :)
ReplyDeleteBut you are the only one who can hold your things and know if they "spark joy" or not! 😉 And definitely feel free to copy this post format! I did years ago from another friend's blog. It's easy and fun to do when you just need to start writing again!
DeleteI would be more than happy to read more blog post's from you!😗
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ReplyDeleteOh wow it sounds like I would like the Spark Joy book AND theme in my house! 😊