Today our darling "baby" Danielle Nicole
is 1.5 years, 18 months, or 547.5 days old - however you prefer to say it!
She has been and will continue to be our greatest adventure!
I want to treasure and remember every part of this journey, so decided to compile the following list! I will fill it out monthly from now on! (HOLD ME TO IT!)
I wish I had thought to do this for all the months past...
Favorite Main Dish - MEAT!!! Especially shrimp and steak. She's a surf & turf girl!

Veggie - Green beans! But frozen sweet peas would rate right up there too! And French Fries! Potatoes are vegetables too!

Favorite Fruit - Strawberries!

Dessert - This one is so hard! Probably ice cream, or donuts, or anything chocolate! Major sweet tooth, this child of mine!

Favorite Toy - Her baby doll from Aunt Glenda. She gives it a paci and bottle and makes extreme sucking noises, also lovingly pats and rocks when not giving "Isla" or "Noah" high speed stroller rides!

Favorite Activity - JD Gator rides to see Tyson & Levon's cows! She can "moo" incredibly well! I think she will share Daniel's imitating abilities!

Favorite Outfit - Pink sequined flamingo shirt, rubber boots, Coach purse, fedora, & sunglasses. (She hasn't ever worn all of this together, but these are her go-to items.)

Shoe Size - 7. A few 6s still fit.

Size - 2T

Height - 35.5 inches! Almost a yard tall!

Weight - 26.6 # (FYI, that's equivalent to 80 bananas! I'd much rather have my little monkey than all those bananas LOL!)

Teeth - 16 (But judging by how much chewing and slobbering are currently going on, we think 2 year molars are moving in!)

Most Recent Milestone - Peed once in the big pot! And she usually says, "Stinks, stinks!" AFTER she's already gone #2 in her diaper...argh.

Most Common Word(s) - "Nanny" (candy) she says this for EVERYTHING she wants! And "skid steer" is still a favorite word in her increasing extensive vocabulary.

Fascinated With - Guns! (Are we surprised?!) She loves to shoot her pink .22 and says "KaKowww!" with great excitement every time she sees a firearm or even bites a tortilla chips into a pistol shape!

Learning How To - Act out the motions while singing Peter, James, and John Had a Little Sailboat. Too cute.
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