Another month has already flown by since I penned (aka pecked) the D-Day post about Danielle, and more or less promised to do another like it when the 20th rolled around again! But I didn't want to. It seemed redundant. She hasn't grown or changed all that much, and it just didn't feel right when I copied and pasted that checklist in my new post box to fill out this month. So instead I'll just write about was one of those just really good days when the sun shines, and the birds sing, and everything mostly stayed in its proper orbit!
Little Princess actually snoozed until 7:30! Usually she's up and chirping around 6:30! Then she has milk, which I admit to warming 28 seconds. Immediately after guzzling that, she MUST have her paci shoved back in her little pie-hole and pink "lovey" clutched securely while she decides that she it's OK to visit with and maybe kiss her parents. Sometimes she's too lazy for real kisses and just puts her paci to our lips lol!
Back to today, I have had no babysitters this week due to my sissies frolicking and rollicking around on vacay! So it was another day to buckle down and work from home as much as possible! After the house finally warmed up a little, and we had finished our pumpkin mug cake, Danielle took a shower with me, (this is epic! She darts about the shower, washing her hair and body, scrubbing the walls with a little brush, and props up her legs to shave just like mommy!) read books, vacuumed, (I wish kid's vacuums really sucked up dirt!) begged for chocolate, sat on the pot and read her Bible (Biba) for awhile with no results, tried to help me type, and all in all, entertained herself quite admirably until noon! I decided we both needed to get out of the house to enjoy the fall weather we at last have been blessed with!

We made our way to McDonald's for a bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddle, (Breakfast All Day? I'm Lovin' It!!!) crispy hashbrown, fruit 'n yogurt parfait, bold & robust McCafe Americano with whipped cream, and a Happy Meal of chicken nuggets, fries, strawberry go-gurt, and apple juice! We sat in the sun (which Danielle insisted was the "moom" - she is still learning the differences of the heavenly bodies) on the steps of the Tom Byrne park gazebo, and ate our lovely lunch while watching two older guys play tennis. I hoped they couldn't hear that Danielle was imitating their grunting and groaning remarkably well! Next it was finally time for the great STINKS, STINKS! After getting that episode over with, we visited with some friends that had also decided the park was the place for lunch, before playing on the slides and swings. Only one faceplant into the mulch went on the accident report! Next stop was the Mattress Depot, where Danielle was most dubious of her mother laying down on various mattresses. I think she thought we had to take a nap in that strange place, and she was not pleased! I was most pleased with the king-sized, gel-topped foam mattress that will be delivered on Monday! Don't ask how long we have had our current mattress, or how old it is!!! Right as we bumped on to Garrett Road, Danielle slipped into la la land...and stayed there as I untied her shoes and tugged off her leggings and laid her in her crib where she napped for two happy hours!
I tidied and typed, house and estimate respectively. Danielle woke up just in time to help me cook supper! She dutifully dumped the bag of onions so all those lovely little skin pieces could float about the kitchen before she set the table. Aka ALL the silverware from the drawer piece by piece! Meanwhile I was feeling like Jacob and Esau while I prepped a savory venison stew to go in the ForevaPot. I always think of that Biblical birthright meal when I make venison stew! I also cooked rice, as I have found out that Daniel actually can endure such a soup if I serve his over rice! And I baked some apples with my new favorite caramel baked apple recipe from Katie! Daniel arrived before the supper was ready to be served, so he and his little pig-tailed partner murdered some chips and salsa. Danielle was even sporting salsa on her forehead and in her hair! Then Danl wanted to split some red oak into firewood before the night fell, so we were an attentive audience of two, even hindering production by trying our hand with the maul for several swings. Let's just say we have no doubts about the weaker vessel(s) at our house! After supper, Daniel laid down to relax on the couch and soon began snoring what sounded like DO NOT DISTURBzzzzzz, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCESzzzzzz, so we kissed Daddy goodnight, skipped bath due to morning shower, brushed teeth, read a most fascinating Berenstain Bears book that even had a helli (helicopter) in it, prayed her little bedtime prayer of "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep...," and rocked and sang Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Red River Valley, You Are My Sunshine, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mama's Gonna Give You a Mockingbird, and since it is always so soothing and fitting no matter the season, Silent Night, Holy Night.
Good night.
(with my changes)
6 tablespoons yellow cake mix
- 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin puree
- 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1 tablespoon milk
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- whipped cream, for topping
- In a large mug, whisk (with a small whisk or large fork) together the cake mix, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, milk, and vegetable oil. Whisk until smooth.
- Cook in the microwave on high for 1 minute. Top with piles of whipped cream!
Baked Caramel Apples
8 Macintosh apples, peeled and cut in half
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup real salted butter
Put apples in a 9x13 pan. Mix sugar and flour. Sprinkle over apples and dot with butter. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes.
(Don't worry that it looks dry! The apples will juice out, the sugar will syrup, and the butter will melt, turning it all into the most amazing mixture!)