Monday, September 17, 2012

life was good

It raineth, our company left, and we're bushed.
But the happy couple tied the knot, we hung out till all hours of the nights, and loved every minute! :)
Word of the Day
diapason \dahy-uh-PEY-zuhn\ , noun:
1. A full, rich outpouring of melodious sound
The wedding choir produced the loveliest diapason.
425 people witnessed the vows.
Huge wedding = much people-watching, and chatting, and eating, and milling about.
Leftover red velvet cake, anyone?
Why am I finding it difficult to even string a few sentences together?! (yawn, yawn.....)
So pleased to have purchased two tankini swim tops on clearance at Goodys for a total of $8.15!
Shrimp Basket's shrimp tacos are sublime.
Philip and Twila have two of the sweetest little boys!
Joe Pattie's Seafood is the ultimate in seafood. Dreaming of salmon grilled on a cedar plank in the near future.
Curling up with my Nook and some snacks is seeming like the best idea I've come up with all day!
These interminable allergy shots are making me feel like a needle junkie...
More sad goodbyes to good friends yet tonight.
Goodbyes are not my favorite; can I just wake up when life's goodbyes are over?...

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