Tuesday, September 11, 2012

land of the free

Land of the free, home of the brave!
I am so thankful to be privileged to live in this wonderful country that countless brave men and women have given their lives to protect.... My mind is going back to that awful September 11 day years ago.... I was 15, and my friend Vanessa and I were planning to go get our learner's driving permits that afternoon after school. Our teacher told us what had happened, but it didn't seem real. The day was sunny and beautiful like it is today. Reality sank in though as we watched the replays of the horrific tragedy on the TVs later at the DL building. We did manage to focus enough to pass our tests thankfully! What are your thoughts of that day and what was going on in your life?...
God bless America!


  1. Lynette Loewen and I were picking zipper cream peas at Max Griggs the morning of the horrific day. Can't remember for sure how I heard about the tragedy, but still can remember as tho it was yesterday, standing in my little kitchen in the trailer on Hwy. 97, blanching peas, and feeling very apprehensive. Seems like we didn't do much the rest of the day. I am thankful, too, for our free country to live in and pray every day for our leaders that they will rule in such a way that America will remain a land of freedom.

    1. So does eating zippers bring this memory back to you sometimes? :) I love hearing how this day was imprinted forever in peoples' minds...

  2. We lived in the white house on Hwy 97. Katrina was 5 months old and I don't remember for sure who called me but someone called and said the twin towers had been hit by airplanes and it was terrists. Well, I was home by myself and I just remember pacing the floors wondering what was going on and worried about what was going to happen to us all.....The horror of the people falling out of those windows still want to invade my mind every now and then and I still shudder, what an absolute horrible way to die!!!! Well, I guess it was all an absolute horrible way to die:(
    I to pray for our leaders that they have the wisdom to lead and I also know that our great God is in control of it all and won't let anything happen that isn't his will.

    1. wow...I remember y'all living in that house! Way before I knew what good friends we would be someday! :) Love your last thought there... so true!!!
