Thursday, August 17, 2023

Don’t Rain on Someone Else’s Parade

My thoughts are kinda jumbled tonight, but I’ve been thinking umbrellas per making one like the adorable little book page one above for the Li’bry today. Umbrellas make me think about rain, which made me think about the personal policy I’ve recently adopted which is “Don’t rain on someone else’s parade.” Just because I’ve adopted it, doesn’t mean I’m good at it. I’ve adopted it in an attempt to become good at it! I don’t think of myself as a party-pooper, but it seems like lately I’ve found myself making negative comments about projects I’m not passionate about, or elaborating on reasons why things might fail when honestly I’m just too lazy or content to make any changes. This habit isn’t refreshing, for me or for those around me. The Bible says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice!” for a reason. Accepting ourselves for who we are while realizing that we don’t have to do everything or be enthusiastic about all the things that others are doing is wisdom. Choosing to celebrate, applaud, and encourage the good things happening around us instead of raining on other’s parades is like putting a rainbow in everyone’s sky! 


  1. Pure wisdoms!💭 a habit I need to adopt as well. I find it’s my insecurities about myself that cause me to rain on others parade. I guess I’m a bit jealous of others success or talents so it’s easy for me to downplay them!
    Have a good day-Erica Lyn

  2. 🌈☂️✨

  3. Love your writing💕 and adore your paper book ☔ 💕💕

  4. ✨I needed it💕

  5. Beautiful, Sharon. Please post this periodically so we don't forget.
