Wednesday, May 3, 2023

In Hot Water!

Being in hot water is a good thing with this electric tea kettle! It sparks joy for me each morning whilst making my coffee, currently rating #1 in Favorite Kitchen Items. 

This kettle does not have an annoying beep when it boils, so you do need to be near at hand. Which isn’t hard to do; simply gazing at its matte black handsomeness while it heats is not a hardship. I wish this was a sponsored review and that I had a discount code for you, but I do not! It’s simply an unasked for review! Kendra Adachi @thelazygenius would be proud of me for following her “Decide Once” rule and choosing to give electric tea kettles for all wedding gifts in the year of 2023! It’s been fun! So far I’ve only given myself this exact one though.


  1. Been missing your posts..just from a silent reader:)

    1. Awww... thanks! I'd love to know who you are! ;) And are you subscribed to my posts? I need to figure out if my subscribe button is actually working!

  2. I love the Decide Once idea. My gift for weddings is tablecloths. I don't always give that, but if nothing else comes to mind quickly, a tablecloth it is. Makes your trip to town MUCH more enjoyable.

    1. Everyone needs a tablecloth! Great wedding gift idea!

  3. These kettles are far too slow, pouring for my fast and furious, all or nothing, nature😂 -Kari-
