Saturday, June 13, 2020

Weekly Recap • June 1-7

JUNE already?!

June 1 was the first day of swim class at Ms. Kerra’s pool for Danielle! She was ecstatic to be back for her 4th year! This is the 2nd year that I get (or have) to sit poolside and watch from 8:30-9:30. So I tried to make the most of that hour; by chatting with the other out-of-the-water mom, sipping iced coffee, reading Harry Potter, and enjoying the fact that my daughter who once screamed for almost the entire session every session, now happily torpedos from side to side, jumping off the diving board and swimming in the deep end with no floatation. It never ceases to amaze me how much progress Ms. Kerra can pull out of them in only 5 days, one hour per day! 

On Tuesday, I joined Anthony and Dad in the Schneider Farm Fence office to further work on “the transition” as we as a family have taken to calling it, as Dad is able to do less and less with his rapidly declining vision. It was a very productive day and we got to get in on one of mom’s fabulous keto meals! 

Wednesday afternoon we girls who are putting on Vanessa’s bridal shower gathered to get our ideas synced. I can’t wait! It’s gonna be good! 

Thursday after swim class, Danielle and I headed down to Nana’s. I spent the majority of the time at her home office desk, working on FLS stuff. Then took a quick dip in the pool before we had to go back home! 

Friday, since Danl was away for the weekend to help with a shooting class in GA, I decided it was the day to pressure wash the back porch! I always get really inspired to embark upon all sorts of projects when hubs isn’t home. The porch ended up super clean and I ended up super filthy! Then since it was full moon aka “Pie Night”, I whipped up a new pie, created from hearing Danielle talk about making a “Blueberry Muffin Pie.” I want to tweak the recipe a bit, then I’ll post it here! We had a fun impromptu family evening at my folks, enjoying cherry, butterscotch, and chocolate pies in addition to my muffin pie. The conversation of us women mainly centered on JP and her productivity boot camp! I bought the program, so let me know if any of y’all want to purchase it; I’ll send you my referral code! 

Saturday, I did more pressure washing, this time the entire back of the house was scoured within an inch of its grimy green life. Then even though the outer bands of Cristobal were sending skittering showers and whipping up a bit of wind, Danielle and I lit our “new to us” propane fire pit table from Nana, and had a jolly s’mores party on the now (somewhat) posh back porch! 

After our mini party, I felt like I was like the mysterious “other people” and whipped out a new dress for Danielle to wear to Titus & Kayla’s next day nuptials. She outgrew most of her dressy clothes and shoes during quarantine! 

Sunday felt like the wedding we’ve all been waiting for! Finally an event where life felt almost “back to normal!” It was a lovely wedding, and since Kayla had asked me to write impressions, I was privileged to sit up on the side bench area and witness firsthand the happiness of the day while Danielle sat with Aunt Rhonda. I still need to edit and type my copious harried notes. 

So how’s that for a week’s worth of mini posts all in one big one?!