I’m feeling philosophical as I sit here in the shaded area of the parking lot of Atmore’s Tom Byrne Park, pondering again the thoughts that have been rolling around in my somewhat scrambled brain. -side note: {We should be strolling the aisles of Piggly Wiggly, plunking necessities into our cart, but Danielle fell asleep just before we arrived. So we did the bank run, then I decided to just sit and write a bit, while I let her have a 30 minute snooze.}
So! Is acceptance a muscle that gets stronger with use? Sometimes I think I pretty much know how to accept whatever comes my way, and that years of practice have made it easier. But then other times, I feel like I still fall way way short of accepting the little things that I wish were different about my life in general, myself, or others around me. When I look at the big picture, it’s perfect. I have it so, so good. A husband who adores me, (most of the time lol) a healthy happy entergetic daughter, a place to call home, and plenty to eat, just to list a few blessings! But then, I find myself wishing I would get more done, or be like so-and-so, or just change the way I am in this area or that! When simple, complete acceptance would bring relief and peace. But! What about action? Maybe a little mental shove is needed to actually spur a change that would bring happy results! Who knows? Like somehow sticking to a schedule! Or learning a new skill! This whole subject makes me think of the Serenity Prayer. It really can’t be said any better. Lend me your thoughts though! Do you tend to try to accept the things about your life or yourself that you wish were different, or take action to make a change?
My first inclination is to try to change. Change myself, change others, change the situation. I'm trying to learn when God says to just accept. Trying to be keen to that little voice that says it's OK. Just relax.
ReplyDeleteMy first inclination is definitely to try to change.... others. It's so easy to see how a situation could be different in someone else's life! I think acceptance is a huge part of it and then doing what I can to change ME!
ReplyDeleteIn acceptance there is peace..... but that's definitely not what my first reaction would be tended towards!