Happy New Year!!
Don't you just love the freshness, the "clean slate," the "start-over" feel of a brand new year?!
What? You say it's MARCH 1????! HOW did this happen?? Two whole months of 2019 have already slipped into oblivion?! Wow. Let me regroup. I guess I will post my New Year's Letter in its current state and MOVE ON!
Had family Christmas in Guntersville on January 1! Twas hard
to believe that 2018 had already begun.
An anniversary in February called for some time away; so down
by the beach in Navarre for a few days we did stay.
Party time for our princess in the third month of the year;
we celebrated this donut-loving 2 year old who’s always in high-gear!
Practically zoomed to MS in April to witness Kyle say “I do”;
certainly enjoyed seeing Grandma and Aunt Sue too!
Yehaw! Tried something new which was Blue Apron in May, a
food service meal that only brought my hubby dismay!
Next in June was the nuptials of Cam & Mel; then of
Isla’s 1st birthday celebration in Calgary I could tell.
(And the rest of the year was amazing as well!)
OK. March 1, 2019.
Here in the Sun-doesntshineitjustrainsandrains State, Spring is just around the corner! Everything is GREEN! Did I mention we have not lacked in moisture lately? And that I have done something wildly different for me?! I have decided to GROW ROSES AGAIN! This goal was one of the "not done" things on my "18 for 2018" list. It got plopped again on my "19 for 2019" list, and this time I'M DOING IT! I've ordered 5 hybrid tea roses from Jackson & Perkins, and I could not be more excited! I'm nightly soaking my black thumb in essential oils... LOL not really!
But I do hope I can keep these babies alive and be able to pick gorgeous bouquets to place artistically about our home! I dabbled in rose gardening at the old home place prior to marriage with some success! And lots of spraying! Black spot is rampant down here Zone 9. If y'all have any tips for getting the flower of love to flourish, please send them my way!

(Mister Lincoln)



(Clouds of Glory)

(John F. Kennedy)
P.S. Before I could get this posted, I got an email from UPS saying they had been delivered on my front porch! Yippity-yay!
And once I got home from work, there they were in all their ugly, bare-root beauty! Now, for the planting thereof.
Forward, MARCH!
But I do hope I can keep these babies alive and be able to pick gorgeous bouquets to place artistically about our home! I dabbled in rose gardening at the old home place prior to marriage with some success! And lots of spraying! Black spot is rampant down here Zone 9. If y'all have any tips for getting the flower of love to flourish, please send them my way!
(Mister Lincoln)
(Clouds of Glory)
(John F. Kennedy)
P.S. Before I could get this posted, I got an email from UPS saying they had been delivered on my front porch! Yippity-yay!
And once I got home from work, there they were in all their ugly, bare-root beauty! Now, for the planting thereof.
Forward, MARCH!
I've grown hybrid tea roses before but don't have any where we live now. It's so gratifying to grow a perfect rose! Use Bayer 3 in 1 rose and flower care (it comes in granules or liquid) every 6 weeks and spray in between if you spot bugs or disease. Here's the product.
OK, thanks for that tip!! What did you prefer to spray with?