I am thankful for life... and that it goes on.
For God's protection, our guardian angel, for my friend who breathed a prayer particularly for me earlier in the day...
For airbags, car seats, safety restraints, and crash-testing technology...
That no one was injured when I rear-ended a Dodge pickup yesterday evening in the gloaming...
that the couple I hit were not angry or upset...For family and friends who stopped so soon to make sure we were OK... and got my Jeep off the road before anyone hit it...and came and got my groceries and purchases from earlier in the day...that Danl was home and could come comfort us and sit with me for the hours we waited on FHP. That Danielle was not traumatized...and seemed to understand that the Jeep was seriously injured and needed to go the vehicle hospital...That the young officer who worked the scene was kind and considerate and gave me the least possible citation.

I am thankful for pecans... And that I had plenty to re-toast for tomorrow's candied sweet potatoes since I severely over-toasted the first batch! #burnt
I am thankful for family recipes with notes at the bottom.
#auntrose #candiedsweetpotatoes #schneidercookbook
I am thankful for the MRGA Book Club. It has, and is, totally enriching my life in in so many ways!
I am thankful that Mel brought me coffee this morning and took Danielle home with her to "help" take care of Baby Ellie.
I am thankful that Mel brought me coffee this morning and took Danielle home with her to "help" take care of Baby Ellie.
I am thankful for crispy, ice-cold Diet Coke.
I am thankful my parents lent us their extra van for me to drive until we get our insurance rental.
I am thankful for Katie's crumb-topped banana bread. #perfection
I am thankful for ibuprofen.
I am thankful my parents lent us their extra van for me to drive until we get our insurance rental.
I am thankful for Katie's crumb-topped banana bread. #perfection
I am thankful for ibuprofen.
I am thankful for our cozy home, for the warm bed into which I am about to crawl!