Today Taby and I loaded up quite late and headed to Pensacola for my (gasp! second to last dose, I believe!?) shots and a dose of much-needed retail therapy. Except I'm not sure that shopping with a one year old is truly therapy! With Danielle, it vacillates between being the sweetest, funnest thing ever and living in one of those dreams you are happy to wake up from! Lately, she loves hearing her voice so "echo-y" in the stores and sort of shrieks out bursts of noise! It baffles me how to cure this without appearing to abuse her.... (please give me ideas!) Sometimes I squinch her fat cheeks together and shush at her, or flick her mouth, or whisper at her to use her store voice. Mostly though, I stuff her little pie hole with Cherrios or raisins. That works the best! I have the tjxrewards credit card from T.J.Maxx and it gives the loveliest rewards! Armed with $30 reward certificates, I planned to purchase a gorgeous and well-fitting swimsuit! For some reason, I just don't buy swimwear. And that is not a good thing. After hunting through aisles of unorganized suits packed too tightly for proper observation, I plucked approximately 6 of them for the fitting room finale. Alas, either I am a far cry from model proportions (check) or a disaster of a perfectionist, (another check) so none met my criteria for THEE suit of the year. But I had fun selecting some gift items and a couple summery tank tops for Danielle. Next stop was Wendy's for our usual "4 for $4" meal deal. It's perfect for us! I eat the double stack burger, she eats the chicken nuggets, and we share the fries, Diet Coke, and Jr. Frosty that we get complimentary with every purchase due to the 2017 Frosty key-chain I bought because it was so cute! Not only is this tag super cute, it also helps support foster care adoption!

At Dr. Cleveland's, Danielle eyed the nurses in their sterile scrubs very warily as they jabbed ME instead of HER with their fierce needles! While waiting the mandatory 30 minutes, we sat in the back of the Yukon with the half-glass up (this looked odd to the passersby I am certain, but at least I didn't have to worry about Danielle annoying the other clients inside or have to chase her all over outside!) and enjoyed the sunshine and finished our Wendy's while FaceTiming with Nana and Aunt Alisha. We are all so antsy for little Isla Francine to be born!! Come ON, already! Can't wait to meet my sweet lil niece! Then we be-bopped over to Marshall's to do the whole bathing suit thing all over, but only bombed out again. But I scored a modest black and white striped knit dress for $24.99 that I am super thrilled about! And some flip-flops and a Father's Day present. And a too-tired toddler!!! Waaah... cancelled meeting Katie for a cone at Marble Slab, and went straight to Walmart to pickup our groceries. Once on the road, Danielle zonked out almost immediately. Poor thing. And although I have proclaimed this oft' afore, I ADORE Walmart Pickup!!! I could "Keep Calm & Shop On" while my baby "Kept Calm & Slept On!" Per Daniel's suggestion (love him!) I stopped at Tom Thumb in Molino and got a ready-to-eat rack of ribs, and sides of greens, mac 'n cheese, and apple/peach cobbler for supper! One and Done! Not sure if that slogan applies well to this supper subject matter...but I'm a mom and "One and Done" comes to mind, thanks to our favorite Huggie's wipes! When one starts writing about baby wipes, they should cease writing; therefore this post is Done and Done!
Over and out.

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