Friday, June 6, 2014

rubba scrubba??

Well, you know I need to write about CLEANING since I just had to clean two glumps of some unknown substance off my laptop screen so I could see what I was typing! It's bad, I know. And since I am a much better analyzer, list maker, and ponderer than I am a cleaner, I have been making so much progress this summer in internal therapy as to WHY I am such a wretched housekeeper! Is it genetic?? Did my mom just not train me RIGHT?? {sorry, Mom! :)} Am I just plain LAZY?? Should I even try to CHANGE? Or just accept my Mama Bear closets?? And be HAPPY that Daniel and I spend way too much time hunting for our stuff among our stuff??

I am too much of a perfectionist to accept the myth that I can't improve my habits, and put my life back together like a magazine picture! {As if it ever was?!} So...... I have started polling my friends that appear to live like Martha Stewart/Betty Crocker {they tell me they don't, but the drawer under the oven doesn't lie!!} for success tips, etc. to get me on the road to complete, organized bliss. Here are some snitches of what they had to say!

"Make the bed!! Even if it's late in the day, just make it." {Even after making this a New Year's Try-To, I still fail miserably at this one.}
"I like to get dressed and comb my hair before leaving the bedroom."  {Oh dear, no lounging in yoga pants til lunch?!}
"Keep the dishes done."  {Supposedly this tidbit had come at one time from me!!!?? Wow. I went off course.}
"It helps to have enough storage."  {OK, this one makes sense. Trailer house does not = storage!}
"I actually enjoy cleaning." {You DO? Oh....HOW?}
"Try FlyLady's 15 minute Decluttering rule. It really works!!!"  {FlyLady, here I come!}
"You can't have it all. I wish I had all your ideas and creativity. Just be yourself." {Thanks! I feel better already!}
"I don't like to cook, but I love to sew."  {Well, I don't like to sew, but I love to cook....if I don't have to do dishes.}
"I didn't like how rigid my mom was with household rules. We had to put our shoes away immediately and hang things in our closets just so....I hated it. {Thanks, Mom, for being just the way you were!!}
"I don't think we can completely change our natures, but we can each try to improve in areas where we don't shine. {Such wise, sane advice. Maybe I don't need to continue internal therapy, and friend surveys after all.}

FlyLady's Rubba Scrubba
{Mr. Rubba Scrubba}

Anyway, I decided to check out to see what she had to offer. Hmmmm.....I signed up for her daily emails that she deems very important, {GULP! 10+ per day?! I guess I will be so organized I will have time to read piles of emails!} but I am not completely convinced that I should become a "FlyBaby" and go "fluttering" around! I also draw the line at wearing lace up shoes in the house!! That being said, I did enjoy her tip of grabbing a trashbag and walking around the house throwing aways 27 things. Love the randomness of the number 27! It was actually harder than I thought it would be, but then it would be hard for a hoarder to throw away 27 things....Her next command was to give away 27 things. This was actually easier for some odd reason... Both activities were very good for my constitution! Maybe I should become a fledgling FlyBaby, and go fluttering around swishing and swiping with my Purple Rags, Rubba Scrubba, and Rubba Sweepa! Ummm... Really?? I'm thinking some Sitta Whila while I Reada Booka would be better! Like my favorite poem, "Dust if You Must!" I'm torn. I want to be a relaxed, fun person whose house is always ready for friends to drop by! But, that doesn't happen while you're Deepa Sleepa! What do you think?? Are any of y'all already happily fluttering around as FlyBabies?! Maybe if she didn't call her followers FlyBabies and FlyGuys I would be more excited about this. But then I never have been excited about cleaning! It's much more fun to write about cleaning than to actually clean. 

FlyLady's Rubba Swisha
{Mrs. Rubba Squisha}


  1. LOL!!! Loved your post!!! Yes... be yourself!!! Love you that way!!!!

    1. thanks! :) but I did do my first swish & swipe yesterday lol!

  2. I finally quit getting all the emails. I never did all they said anyhow... I do try to make my bed every day- it really does make a difference cuz I used to mostly leave it for 'when I had time', swish&swipe (after a fashion) every other day or so and pick up at least the living room before I go to bed. Every little bit helps you know! Besides, my genuine ostrich feather duster lost foliage with every use and in too short a time had completely molted and the brooma thinga's handle will NOT stay together. Storage... What's that?! When things have to go into the attic they tend to add up 'til the pile threatens to tumble or is 'efficiently' separated into two piles... A place for everything and everything in its place is TOTALLY TRUE but first one must find a place for everything and I'm thinking that in piles isn't really the solution... I'm happy when everything is clean and tidy and the way my mother taught me to keep it, but when its not that way and I can accept it and ignore it I can be happy too. (Although guilty feelings lurk when its because I was simply too lazy to do anything about it...) Amen on the writing instead indulging in the actual act of doing... And I really like you the way you are! ;} And I know this is way too long but I'm gonna send it anyhow...

    1. Thanks for your input!! :) So would you say that it isn't worth it to buy any of her products! Her water bottle gets RAVE reviews....I'm am being tempted to buy that, purple rags, and maybe the rubba scrubba....Fixing to browse amazon and eBay for cheaper ones though! :)

    2. meant it as a ? Is it worth it to buy any of her stuff??

    3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my two water bottles but don't bother getting the small one (imo). I only wish it was a little 'fatter' so it wouldn't tip out of some cup holders and hold a wee bit more. They truly are awesome and still have ice after a blistering hot day in town. I like the rags well enough and the only scrubba I have is attached to the to the end of my arm... Good luck on finding cheaper but HEY! I know where you can get a duster and broom thingy cheap!! ;}

  3. Loved your post!!! for me if I am stressed I handle it by digging in and cleaning & sometimes don't feel like it but if I can just get busy it helps my mind! But you are so much better at a lot of things that I am not and if everyone was the same what a boring world it would be!!:) BE Yourself cause we LOVE you that way and that's what everyone likes anyway!

    1. Thank you!! :) It does take all kinds to make this world go 'round!! xo

  4. Love it:) I'm the type that let's my house get dirty, and then I go on a big cleaning spree! I wish I would do a little bit every day... That being said some of the houses that I feel the most at home in are not the tidiest by a long shot!!

    1. I agree with your last sentence!! I don't mind other people having messy houses, but I want mine to look good! I think doing a little bit every day is a smart plan. I used to think I liked to be unscheduled and a free spirit when it comes to housework, but the longer I teach, I realize the power of a plan and a schedule and am finding out that I like to be told when to do what!! lol

  5. My schedule is helping me tremendously! :) (so far... it's only been started this week! LOL) One of the things on my schedule for this week is to clean out my utility closet that honestly looks like that Mama bear pic! :{
