Sunday, March 30, 2014

Completely "Spring Broken"

I have written this post so many times in my head but never on digital paper.
So for those of you that can't read my thoughts yet, here it finally is in black and white! {albeit the short version}
During the magical 10 whole days of Spring Break I... Slept in. Way, way in. I cooked. Ate. Reorganized my Pinterest boards. Cooked again. Had lunch at Dixie Catfish with my friend Kristy Benner. Baked cinnamon rolls. Ate. Fished with Daniel. {I caught the biggest catfish and the most bass! Yay! Nothing like some good competitive fishing for a healthy marriage! :)} Had a fish fry. Worked 5.5 hours in the office for my Dad. {If you read that really fast it looks like 55 hours. Kind of.} Thought about taxes. Read. Emptied the entire contents of the guest room/studio closet out into the room. And left it all sitting right there where it landed. Shopped Fairhope with Priscilla and Anne and Matthew. Bought a whimsical little painting of a sad dog sitting by a red door. Purchased 2 tiny loaf pans so I can bake miniature loaves of bread for my future children like my mom baked for us. Had coffee drinks at the Southern Living-famous "Coffee Loft." Shopped Pensacola with Aunt Sue. Thought about taxes again. Worked in my classroom. Picked up litter along Garrett Road. {I've decided to adopt a highway. Shall I make my own sign?! "This road is maintained by resident Sharon M. Faircloth" LOL} Reveled in being plain lazy. Climbed the Pensacola lighthouse {all 177 steps!!!} with Mel, Katie, and Mom. Then we ate our packed lunch and laid in the sun at the beach. Blissful. Got Krispy Kreme donuts. I ate 6 in 2 days. Chocolate-covered mocha-filled, raspberry-filled, chocolate-covered creme-filled, lemon-filled, cappuccino frosted chocolate-dribbled, and one more last chocolate-covered mocha-filled. Gained 3 pounds. Drank coffee. Gave Diesel and Leroy a severe outdoor shower. And of most consequential consequence, I signed my name with red pen on the dotted line of the contract that says I will teach 5th & 6th grades at WHCS for the year of 2014-2015. So instead of staying home to {hopefully} have 1 child, I will be a working "mom" with 8 kids!

skinny sour cream enchiladas serves 4 serving size 2 enchiladas chicken and turkey brookes pick

Coconut-Stuffed-French-Toast 2

3 Ingredient Chocolate Frosting Shots:
{this was a fail. Let me know you get it right. mine was soupy, not firm like the pic. but it tasted good.}

Made and ate these with Mel one night. :)

Almond Joy Bars (With or Without the Almonds) Recipe

{Made these this past Thursday for the Schneider gathering we had at my folks to celebrate that Uncle Lyle and Aunt Polly were down for a visit. So wasn't a Spring Break bar. Just wanted to clarify lest you think I went completely sugar-bonkers during Spring Break! Which I guess I did....}


  1. Sounds like you had a nice break! Some fun things! So happy you've decided to teach school again next year! You are an awesome teacher! Enjoy working with you! Although I do want so badly for you to have a baby of your own! :)

    1. thanks! :) I am so excited for this next year, but I do feel my maternal clock ticking as well....

  2. scrummy looking food! sounds like you had a fun spring break! I bet you will be relived when you get your taxes done!!
