Saturday, January 11, 2014

for the love of London...happy giveaway 2014!!

London poster

    A new year, a new look, and a GIVEAWAY! Let's start the year off right! {oh, it's already been started awhile? I guess we are 11 days in...Oh, well! Procrastination is what I do best!} That, and HOARDING! I have officially decided that I am a hoarder. If a fit of rare "time to go through and throw away" I was exasperated to find such items as the following in my dresser drawers and closet. The middle thingy of a lint roller, 2 lanyards from the lawn expo, a hood cord for a lime green jacket jacket I haven't owned in years, a pair of flats that were almost worn through on the heels, sides, and toes, a dearly beloved pair of striped knee socks with large holes in the heels, 3 nasty pairs of flip flops; one pair was almost burnt clear through the sole from my having stood unknowingly on a burning lump of charcoal, a ratty pullover to wear in case we go camping, {note to self! We rarely camp and when we do, I never feel like wearing ratty clothing!} fabric samples from bygone fabric sales, and probably more things that I can not recall since this experience happened 9 days ago. Anyway, I do not know why I still had these objects in my possession! In a righteous frenzy, I trashed them all except the fabric samples which I decided to re-hoard in case I want to start ordering again and would like to refer to them. That's a reasonable reason isn't it? SO, now that I have realized and accepted the obvious, {that I have a hoarding problem} what is the next step? Rehabilitation or Embracement? I need help! OK, this post wasn't supposed to be about my hoarding addiction! Let's move on to the happy things like the GIVEAWAY!
   I have always and will always love all things London. Some of the finer things in life such as tea with cream and sugar, crumpets, biscuits {cookies in America!}, good manners, the royal family, and the lovely English accent hail from that part of the world. So I'd like to share a bit o' London love with you! Tell me in the comments whether or not you made a New Year's Resolution{s} and what it is that you resolved to do and you may be the smashing winner of some Londonish loot! {that I have yet to purchase when I next hit the big city! Hopefully I can find what I remember seeing at T.J. Maxx!} I made 2 resolutions this year instead of my usual myriad aspirations.

# 1. Have more fun with family! {Doing great because we've actually played tennis in the park 2 Fridays in a row now! Cheers!!}
# 2. Stress Less {Which means don't make piles of New Year's Resolutions because that is very stressful.}
Blimey! {as the Brits would say!} This post is long enough! While eagerly anticipating your entries/comments, I shall arise from this couch and attempt to finish the Williamsburg-style dress that I commenced to sew way back last year in October. Cheeri-o!

P.S. Please read the fine print below.

FINE PRINT-  Official Rules are as follows. This giveaway begins today 1.11.14 and will end in two weeks at midnight CST on 1.25.14. You may comment as much as you like, but only one entry per person will be submitted in the giveaway. Names will be drawn randomly and literally from a hat. Thank you and have a great 2014.


  1. I didn't make any resolution this year... I HOPE to be back down to my wedding weight by our first anniversary. and Jeremy is resolving in opposites... he has resolved to get fat this year which only will make sure that his wife refuses to cook fatty stuff! :)

    1. Power to you on the weight loss goal! :) I would love to lose 10 and be back at my wedding weight too...but my love for food is stronger than that wish!! LOL on Jerermy's resolution!!

  2. I actually didn't make resolutions this year either... not officially anyways! :) (Last year's were: no nail biting, say no to jealousy and be thankful! I believe I made abit of progress in the last 2. Sadly the 1st one could still be added to the list..) I am reading the Happiness Project books now and agree with Gretchen that it takes a real plan to keep a resolution.

    1. Keep going on the nail biting!! And I agree too that you've made progress on the other two; way to go!!

  3. My only resolution for this year is to spend less and save more! I dream of someday traveling the world and London is definitely one of the places I would go...gonna have to save up for it though!

    1. That's a super resolution! I share your traveling dreams; and will need to embrace your resolution as well! :)

  4. I resolve, (now that we're home from the unit!) to sloooooow down with life, not always be in such a flap :) and enjoy the small, simple things... like my children for example! I want to spend more time doing fun things with them now that I have more time! And lose these pudges that crept up on me over there too :( Grrr!

    1. I was always amazed how much stuff you did for/with your kids while doing everything else at the unit!! :) Don't blame you for havin' a few pudges...all that good food and Bertucci's you wrote about! :)

  5. I didn't make any resolutions this year either, but I hope to have a more relaxing year than last! I love the accent of the BriTish too! :)

    1. relaxing?! and you are going to have a baby?! :) I hope too, that you can just chill :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I resolve to become not so easily subjected to stress, and try to not wallow in sorrow over some of my dear families personal decisions. Difficult, YES!!!! Nonetheless, God is my Comforter.
      On a less serious note, I would also love to go to Britain. =) I have a bunch of family that I haven't seen in years! My cousin's accents always remind me of my childhood.

    2. Girl, I've been there.... and the only solution is to love unconditionally!! And you have family in Great Britian? :) Cool!!

  7. My resolution is to act mature. So far I have found great stress in keeping it and have failed miserably!

    1. Hey, don't try to grow up so fast!!! You are only 17, and my only baby sista! :) Just be yourself, even if you feel like a Fruit Loop in a bowl full of Cherrios!

  8. New Years Resolutions... I've never made one that I can remember & this year was no different! It would be me to start a new thing in a frenzy & let it go in a few days/weeks... also I always think no matter the date, there's no time like the present; I'd better not wait for the new year or I'll have lost the enthusiasm! To each his own, however=)
    By the way, LOVE the look on your blog... also the giveaway idea! it's a fun one! (btw, could you put my name in the hat twice??? lol!)
    Miss you! =)

    1. You always amaze/inspire me though with how much you accomplish during your enthusiastic frenzies! :) Paint something chevron? Yours is done the next day while I'm still wallowing in the "thinkin' about it" stage! Miss you too!!

  9. I didn't make any resolutions this year either!! Seems they get left somewhere along the way! Anyhow it is my goal to take in some sunshine at least once a day! so easy to just stay busy inside...also an exercise plan is going to have to play its part too! I am inspired by you;)

    1. Getting sunshine in Phoenix should be easy, right? :) Wish I could come take a walk with you!! I do get plenty of chance to play/exercise at school, but also loads of chances to ate piles of sweets, fresh cookies, etc. I'm teaching with a group of foodies {except Barry!} and we love to gather, gab, and gobble after school!! Great for the heart but not for the hips...

  10. Well... Like many of the others I didn't just make a New Year's Resolution. But there are some thing that I have been thinking about lately and I plan to do much better in this year than than I have in the last few years. The main one is to become unselfish! I believe if I can conquer that one, the rest will be easy! Some of the others would be having more company, being happy all day every day (at least 99% of the time:), and humble and submissive will be something I have to work on for the rest of my life!! But like I said, I think if I could just be unselfish the rest of these wouldn't really be much of a problem!! there you have it!

    1. Girl, I think you've set the bar way too high!! Unless you aren't as fallible as I!! Unselfish, humble, submissive, AND happy ALL day 99% of the time?! Wow! :) You're gonna be living in the clouds! But this is a very noble resolution. Love you!!

  11. To go to bed earlier! But Oh Dear! I had determined to try to do this even before "The New Year" -- So I'm wondering WHEN? its going to happen!!

    1. Good luck from one night owl to another! :)
