I intended to write yesterday about things that happened on Friday, but that never came to pass so I will write today about things that happened yesterday {and Friday.} It's painful to believe that it is already August 4!!! I am having mild panic attacks about not being prepared for school to start in a mere 22 days... But life is good, it's ALWAYS gonna be busy with some deadline or other of some nature smashing down upon my brow, but bottom line, I like it that way and wouldn't have it otherwise. Most of the time anyway. Meeting Moni and Rhonda at the Coffee House Friday aft. was a big bright spot of my day! We hashed old memories and made new ones over frappes and fruit smoothies. Why don't we all go out for coffee with friends more often?! Next I browsed WeCare and Dirt Cheap looking for "things" for my classroom. I didn't find any, but did find some fab gift wrapping supplies at DC and a "early bird gets the donut" coffee mug at WeCare that I am going to trick my Dad with. He has one identical to it, but his is all faded out. I'm going to wordlessly exchange them and see if he notices. It's his favorite mug to have his coffee in every morning. And then I kept on shopping once I got home. I ordered stuff online. LOTS of stuff. I can't wait to start hearing the rumble of the UPS truck and the honk of the mail lady's car. But it wasn't frivolous spending. Not at all. I ordered a rug from my childhood. Mom always had one of these at the back door. And the dog always chewed the daisy off.
And I ordered new batteries for our cordless phones. I felt really frugal because I wanted to just get new RED cordless phones, but I didn't. It's gonna be awesome to be able to finish a conversation again without the phone giving up the ghost.
Then I went over to mardel.com to order my sock monkey planner
The dogs are living the high life and loving their new classy enclosure! I finally purchased this with my birthday $ and my heart has been brimming over with happiness ever since. It's SO. MUCH. BETTER than making a ramshackle, tacky area blocked off with an assortment of furniture! We have it right inside our back sliding doors.
OK. That's all! For now.
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