Sunday, July 7, 2013


love this
It rains, and rains, and rains...
Grey shadows.
Drip drops falling, falling, ever falling.
Outside and down my face.
Then Someone says,
"You can stand under my umbrella."
Warm, Safe, Dry.
Always and forever loved.
The sun will shine again,
The rivulets down my cheeks will cease
...until then,
I'm gonna stand under His umbrella.


  1. I love the song that goes like this.. Dear child of mine I know your heart I feel your pain I hear your cry. The sun will shine the clouds will part beyond the rain a clear blue sky. chorus... Ill bear u up up up on eagles wings. Ill draw you closer unto me. When you release all earthly things ill give you sweet sweet victory...

    Its 725 on the singing line. 1 712 432 0061 access code 55#

    Its ok to be sad when it rains. Its ok to cry when life's tough. It makes us soo thankful for the sunshine and the good happy times of life.
    another song I love is (God why did you ever make the night)
    Sis I LOVE YOU!!

  2. I
    Understand the Rain
    Understand the Pain
    Standing under His umbrella,too.
    Praying for the "Sonshine".

    We love you!!

    1. Thanks! love y'all SO MUCH too! :) was hoping Kimmy would come to the reception, missed her!!

  3. I know! But I guess since she came to the Bible School Program -- that was too close to come again.:( Keep praying for her.

  4. A Quote to ponder from
    Streams in the Desert-- Jul 07.

    "Nearly all God's jewels are crystallized tears."

  5. Hi Sharon, here's a poem that was on a card I received once, and when I read your poem on rain I thot of sending it to you... "When the rain comes, I'll hold my umbrella more over you than over me. When the rain comes we'll go inside and sit and talk over good hot tea... as long as it takes this rain to end, much longer than that I'll be your friend..." Wishing you a sunshiny day! Luv ya!!

    1. Awwww... thank you so much, Audge!! :) I love that poem! I'm guna print it out and put it on my kitchen window! So good to hear from you! xo
