"After all, a vacation is not a matter of place or time. We can take a wonderful vacation in spirit, even though we are obliged to stay at home, if we will only drop our burdens from our minds for a while. But no amount of travel will give us rest and recreation if we carry our work and worries with us."
- Laura Ingalls Wilder, essay September 1919
Love this quote! It was today's "Moment of Happiness" email from Gretchen Rubin. I'm a fan of hers; love the daily email quotations and I just purchased both of her books! Happier at Home and The Happiness Project. Both are previously loved editions, gotta go green and buy used books ya know! I am having the best time spending a $25 Visa card I received from one of my students... Trying to stretch it SO FAR..... Also nabbed this splendid hot pink phone cover as my yellow one has suffered a fatal blow from dropping to the pavement from lap one too many times.... Rhonda says PINK does not sound like me, but for some unknown reason, it HAD to be pink this time! Every now and then, my girly streak flares up, I guess! Wonder what I will find to spend my last $.40 on....
What do you think about a Summer Giveaway??? :)
I think it's about time, but I don't know what to give away! Give me some ideas please!
You enjoy looking for good deals, you could give away one of your good finds.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea! Because I don't need any more items myself, but do love to hunt for something that strikes me! :)