Saturday, March 23, 2013

peak performance {not}

Sometimes {or nearly all the time!} I wonder how I will ever make it through life! And then I smile and realize that we shouldn't take life too seriously because nobody gets out alive anyway! One morning this past week, I got up showered and washed my hair like usual, wondering why I felt even more zonked and sluggish than I normally do. Then I happened to glance at the bathroom clock and noticed that the big hand was at the 12 and the little hand was at the 1. Eeeeek!! I guess I had dreamed that my alarm had rung! So I climbed back in bed and slept on. Totally disoriented, I kept waking up wondering WHEN my alarm was gonna ring for real! When it finally did, I got up and headed for the shower, then had to stop myself and say, "No, I don't need to shower again! I already did that in the middle of the night!" Another day, I arrived at school, bright but not so early, to find out that I did NOT have my keys with me in the zippered pocket of my large gold bag. Thankfully, Barry soon arrived. Once in the classroom, there they lay on the back counter for some odd reason. On Thursday, Mom went to Pensacola with me to get my shots. We went to Jo-Ann's so I could pick up some supplies for the resurrection gardens I am having the kids make on Monday.
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 I wanted to get back on their teacher program to get 15% off my purchases, so I hauled a science test answer key in for proof that I really am a teacher since I didn't have a paycheck stub or anything of that nature with me. Alas, it didn't work, but I tried! Now just today, I was hunting for that Key, thinking that I must have left it in Mom's car. No, she didn't have it. So I called to Jo-Ann's and yes! It is calmly resting at the Lost and Found center. {Thanks for rescuing it, Roxie!} I still am not sure how I managed to leave it there. But, with the other imcompetencies of the week, I am not surprised. Daniel headed out Thursday for GA to help with a shooting class his friend Shep was giving in TN. To make better use of fuel, he took the Pontiac and left the large green dually for me to bomb around in! Kinda fun, actually! And, far as I know, I've only almost run someone else of the road twice! Mom and Mel came and gave me a tremendous boost with the housework this afternoon! I hope they feel blessed from the tip-top of their heads to the bottom of their boots!!! I managed to put the wall back in the closet by the water heater and change the temperature setting, but I still need to re-pack all the contents in the closet. I'm just fixing to get on that asap!! I also wanted to paint a large stripe of the lovely green "grove of pines" paint on our bedroom wall while Danl was away, but it looks as if that project will have to wait. I hope to un-earth the surface of my home office desk tonight yet too. It is piled with a good 6 inches deep of bills, mail, etc. etc. Way back in March when we went to Rox and Jer's wedding, my Nook died a digital death. Once home, I called Nook support.  English was definitely not the native tongue of the first customer service representative that helped me, so I painfully followed his instruction as he walked me through several procedures, trying to resuscitate it. No luck. I called again and this time was blessed with a Brit! Truly the mother tongue this time! {I even purposely visited more than necessary just to hear more of his lovely accent!} He promised that a brand new Nook was on the way! I received it fine and dandy. But, new Nook wouldn't connect. Finally today, I took time to put in another call to Nook support. Turned out that a simple, downloadable update was all it needed; Nook #2 is now performing in peak form! If only I could find a simple, human brain update to download that would enhance my performance.....


  1. ...then you wouldn't be Sharon anymore and I'd be scared of you cuz you wouldn't understand my {dumb} mistakes! :)

    1. LOL :) yeah, sometimes I think at least I can make others feel better when they goof up!!

  2. I had to chuckle at your getting us at 1 Sharon:) I am sure after that much of an interrupted night you didn't wake very rested....

    1. that's for sure!! felt groggy and gross all day!
