Monday, November 26, 2012

do you ever....

Do you ever feel like the "brooding blues" and the "sappy sunshine" are fighting for a hold on your soul? Each trying desperately to seep inside you and take control? I do. Maybe just because I am me, or because I am a woman, who knows?! I'll find myself sinking...down into navy blue thoughts about situations and life in general, and then I'll suddenly snap out of it with the cheery thought that "Every little thing's gonna be alright!" And then the next minute I've got this little tear squeezing outa my eye again....sigh! Don't I have a choice whether or not I want to ride this emotional roller coaster? Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but more often than I like I find myself on board. And then you just gotta hang on till the ride is over and and the sun is shining again! :) Is this normal? Am I OK? Please tell me...or better yet, come sit beside me if you're riding it too!


  1. Well if I was closer I'd come sit beside you! Because I seem to take that ride now and then too! I do think we have a choice but I don't always remember that! Or maybe I'm choosing not to remember... I don't know! It does kind of seem confusing when you stop and really think about it!!

    1. being complicated makes us more enticing as women, eh? :) lol

  2. For myself, I see a pattern for those blue days. As the month proceeds I forget sometimes that it's about that time, then I can't figure out why I am so blue. Maybe I make too many excuses for myself but I strive to be happy anyway on those days. Sometimes just telling someone else how you are feeling helps that mood to go away. You left them with your burden and can go whistling away! Sometimes I call my friend back and say, I hope you don't worry too much about me, cause I'm fine now!

    1. I think being "woman" sure does play a big part in it! And it doesn't even pay to fight your feelings, seems better to just accept them and like you said, tell someone how you feel and be as happy as possible! :)

  3. Amen! Amen! You spoke out of my heart! I ride that roller coaster nearly every day! Wish I had more of those "Sunny... It's all o.k. days!" Hope today is one of those sunny days for you even tho it's mighty grey outside!

    1. Thank you! :) It's been a great day so far! We got Kristi's dresses all done except buttons and shoulder pads on one of them!

  4. good to hear i'm not the only one! i hope you don't get the bite-the-head-off-of-everyone-you-chance-to-meet days!lol!they're my specialty!today was super-blue!no idea why but good to hear about one of yours!
